Energy ESG 2022 Special Report
Energy ESG 2.0: The Evolution of a Megatrend
The concept of ESG in the energy sector continues to evolve amid increasing backlash as discussion around energy security takes center stage.
The Future of ESG Investing
In the shadow of energy security concerns, ESG investments continue to grow and diversify across the industry
Battling Climate Change Alongside Inflation
While establishing energy security is currently the main priority of oil and gas companies, they haven’t forgotten the importance of allocating attention and funds to combat climate change.
SEC Proposed Disclosure Rules an ESG Opportunity
PwC’s Reid Morrison advises producers on how to prepare for the new ESG reporting requirement.
A Litmus Test for Methane Certification
The time is now to set up the rules of the road for a certified gas market that will rapidly draw down methane emissions and give U.S. producers the leading advantage.
Money Left on the Table
Companies that embrace diversity across all levels of their workforce also embrace wider profit margins.
Technology Development Drives ESG Advances
Service companies are developing tools and services that help operators quantify ESG performance improvement.
Putting Water to Work
The reuse of produced water is on the rise as water management evolves.
Energy ESG 2.0: The Evolution of a Megatrend
The concept of ESG in the energy sector continues to evolve amid increasing backlash as discussion around energy security takes center stage.
ESG Capital: The Future of Oil and Gas Investing
In the shadow of energy security concerns, ESG investments continue to grow and diversify across the oil and gas industry.
ESG Disclosures: SEC Proposed Rules an Opportunity
Here’s how PwC’s Reid Morrison advises oil and gas producers prepare for new ESG reporting requirements proposed by the SEC.
ESG Strategy: Battling Climate Change Alongside Inflation
While establishing energy security is currently the main priority of oil and gas companies, many haven’t forgotten the importance of allocating attention and funds combating climate change, experts say.
OFS Innovation: Technology Development Drives ESG Advances
Oilfield service companies are developing tools that help oil and gas operators quantify ESG performance improvement.
Water Management: Putting Water to Work in US Shale Operations
The reuse of produced water is on the rise as water management evolves in the U.S. shale industry.