Armour Energy: Exploratory Hits Gas In Mesozoic Carpentaria, Lawn Shale, Riversleigh Shale

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In Queensland, Australia, Armour Energy Ltd. reported results from an exploratory well in the ATP1087 permit area. The #4-Egilabria was drilled to 1,839 meters and hit gas in Mesozoic Carpentaria at 344 to 417 meters. According to Brisbane-based Armour, significant gas shows were encountered in Lawn shale, which was penetrated between 1,060 to 1,200 meters with a pressure build-up (70 psi) noted in desorption canisters filled with cuttings from this interval. The well was deepened to penetrate Riversleigh shale at 1,450 to 1,700 meters and had significant gas shows in three separate zones. According to the company, the presence of gas off-structure at #4-Egliabria indicates a continuous gas-charged shale sequence in Lawn shale between #4-Egliabria and #2-Egilabria.