Super DUG Logo

The Largest SHALE Event of 2024

May 15-17, 2024 | Fort Worth, TX | Fort Worth Convention Center

Register to AttendSponsor & ExhibitFREE Operator Program



SUPER DUG’s focus is energy production in the shale plays of the U.S. including the Permian, Eagle Ford, Midcontinent, Bakken and the Rockies. Last year’s launch of SUPER DUG was a huge success and 2024 will be even bigger. With an expected attendance of over 2,000+ industry professionals, over 130 exhibitors and 10+ hours of networking activities, SUPER DUG will provide the unique opportunity to connect with key decision-makers from public and private producers, midstream operators, and leading service and technology providers. And we’re pleased to announce that our keynote speaker will be former Senior Advisor to President George W. Bush and iconic political strategist, Karl Rove! Join us at Hart Energy’s SUPER DUG Conference & Expo in Fort Worth, Texas on May 15-17, 2024.

The Largest Shale Event of the Year!

The oil and gas (O&G) industry earned record profits in 2023, providing needed cash flow to fund their strategies in 2024. And while upstream O&G companies recognize geopolitical and macroeconomic uncertainty in the year ahead, they’ve also been given a clear mandate to secure supply in the short term while transitioning to cleaner energy.


Industry Professionals


Industry Speakers



10+ Hrs

Networking Activities

Day One Wednesday, May 15th
7:00 - 8:30 AM

Registration Opens & Breakfast on the Exhibit Floor

Baker Hughes

8:30 - 8:45 AM

Introduction and welcoming remarks

Jordan Blum, Editorial Director, Hart Energy

8:45 - 9:15 AM

Opening Keynote: Operator Spotlight - Diamondback Energy

Diamondback Energy is one of the leading independent oil producers in the U.S., with top-tier Permian acreage in the Midland, Delaware and Central Basin. Last year, Diamondback produced 263,000 bbl/d, with 2024 full-year guidance projected at 275,000 bbl/d. In February, Diamondback announced a $26 billion merger with Endeavor Resources. The deal brings Diamondback’s net acreage in the Permian to 838,000 with combined production to potentially reach 816,000 bbl/d. In this operator spotlight, you’ll hear more about:

  • Shale consolidation trends and impact on the future of the industry
  • Report card and investor feedback on the post-COVID shale business model
  • U.S. oil and gas production's role in the global supply demand picture, today and in the future
  • Productivity trends and recent developments on resource expansion in the Permian Basin

Jordan Blum,
Editorial Director, Hart Energy

Kaes Van't Hof, President and CFO, Diamondback Energy


Jefferies logo

9:15 - 9:40 AM

Market Overview

The shale industry is maturing, and consolidation is impacting every corner of unconventional oil and gas production. But the need for reliable, secure energy is as great as ever. Bottom line: The world needs oil and gas, and it will need oil and gas for the foreseeable future and beyond. The country’s unconventional basins will continue to play the biggest role on the world’s energy stage. In this analysis, you’ll hear more about:

  • The role of the Permian Basin amid pressures from OPEC+ and Russia

  • Production forecasts and the role of the Bakken, Rockies, Midcontinent and Eagle Ford basins

  • The role of oil and natural gas in the energy transition

  • The continued need to make U.S. energy more accessible, reliable and environmentally friendly

Brian Walzel
, Senior Editor, Hart Energy

J. Marshall Adkins, Senior Managing Director, Head of Energy Investment Banking, Raymond James



9:40 - 10:05 AM

Strategic Clarity, Conviction and Execution: ConocoPhillips

With major focus areas in all four of the core Lower 48 basins – the Delaware and Midland Basins, the Eagle Ford and Bakken – ConocoPhillips is one of the largest unconventional producers, delivering record Lower 48 production of 1,067 mboed/d in 2023. Paired with its other global assets and robust commercial business, the company has a deep, durable and diverse portfolio. In this operator session, you’ll hear more about:·       

  • ConocoPhillips’ strategic clarity, conviction and disciplined execution across the Lower 48 and beyond

  • The role LNG will play in the global energy mix

  • Insights into managing GHG emissions

Nissa Darbonne,
Executive Editor-at-Large, Hart Energy

Nick McKenna, Vice President, Midland Basin, ConocoPhillips


Cadeon Logo

10:05 - 10:30 AM

Morning Networking Break


Mustang Cat



W Energy Software

10:30 - 10:55 AM

Operator Spotlight: bpx energy

bpx energy, bp's US onshore business, operates in the Permian, Eagle Ford and Haynesville basins. Headquartered in Denver, bpx delivers a better barrel, leveraging next level technology to safely increase production while lowering emissions. In this Operator Spotlight, discussion with Clark Edwards, VP of Development at bpx, will include:  

  • bpx's operational and development plans for their assets. 

  • TInsights on how bpx is leveraging next level technology to reduce emissions while simultaneously increasing production.  

  • bpx's development journey using enhanced drilling technology and AI to lead the industry into the next era of energy development.  

Jordan Blum,
Editorial Director, Hart Energy

Clark Edwards, Vice President of Development, bpx energy



10:55 - 11:35 AM

Opportunities and Challenges for Private Capital Investing in Oil and Gas

A thought leader from one of the country’s top energy private investment companies shares his views on the future of U.S. shale, the most interesting investment opportunities today and how the industry might finance those opportunities.

Deon Daugherty,
Editor-in-Chief, Hart Energy

Wil VanLoh, 
CEO, Quantum Energy Partners


RSM Logo

11:35 - NOON

Optimizing for Capital Efficiency and Inventory: Devon Energy's Delaware Basin Strategies

Devon Energy has one of the premier multi-basin portfolios among U.S. energy producers, with top tier acreage in the Williston Basin, Powder River Basin, Anadarko Basin, Eagle Ford, all underpinned by its Delaware Basin position. There, Devon produces approximately 433,000 boe/d, and more than 60% of Devon’s 2024 capex will be allocated to the Delaware Basin. In this operator session, you will hear more about:

  • Devon’s development plans for the Delaware Basin in 2024

  • Insights into how Devon balances its focus on project-level capital efficiency with efforts to maximize net present value

  • Perspectives on inventory depth and resource opportunities

  • Devon’s plans to strategically manage infrastructure-related risks in the Delaware Basin

Chris Mathews,
Senior Editor, Shale/A&D, Hart Energy

John Raines, 
Vice President, Delaware Basin Business Unit, Devon Energy


US Steel tubular logo

NOON - 1:30 PM

Networking Luncheon


Liberty Energy

1:30 - 2:00 PM

Operator Spotlight: Continental Resources 

Nissa Darbonne,
Executive Editor-at-Large, Hart Energy

Aaron Chang, Vice President, Anadarko Basin, Continental Resources


Citadel Casings

2:00 - 2:30 PM

Insights From the Investors: Following the Money

Capital is returning to the oil sector. In this discussion, learn from a private-equity investor and a public-securities analyst about:

  • What an investable E&P, OFS and midstream business model looks like today.
  • What weight is given to a prospective investment's environmental score.
  • What operators should highlight when attracting investors.
  • The impact of consolidation. Where are the next-gen startup E&Ps?

Jay Young,
Founder and CEO King Operating Corporation

David Deckelbaum, 
Managing Director, Energy Transition and Sustainability, Cowen
Paul Lee, Operating Partner, Tailwater Capital


2:30 - 3:00 PM

Midstream Masterclass: A Rapidly Evolving Market Aims to Meet Increased Supply

Demand for oil and gas is only expected to grow, and— with several LNG projects poised to come online in the next few years—expected to grow rapidly. The midstream market is working to keep up with supply and demand dynamics, but merger, acquisitions and regulations are changing the playing field. This discussion panel will focus on:

  • The latest in M&A and the impact of recent deals on takeaway capacity, particularly in the Permian Basin
  • Oil and natural gas accessibility in other markets: West Coast, Mexico and the Eastern Seaboard
  • What’s on the horizon? The status of new pipeline projects and how they may affect takeaway dynamics

Sandy Segrist,
Senior Editor, Gas & Midstream,, Hart Energy

Gregory Davis,
Partner, EIV Capital
Brad Iles, CEO, Brazos Midstream
Drew Ward, Partner & Chief Commercial Officer, Pinnacle Midstream II


Priority Power logo

3:00 - 3:30 PM

Networking Break


Diamondback Energy


Blue Mountain Operations

3:30 - 4:10 PM

The Impact of M&A: The Future of the U.S. Energy in the Era of Consolidation

The flurry of major deals in the second half of 2023—supermajors spending in excess of $125 billion in acquisitions—shook the landscape of the U.S. energy industry. Consolidation has long been on the horizon, but where do we go from here? In this key session, you’ll hear more about:

  • What’s left on the market for Tier 1 acreage
  • Who are the buyers, and who are the sellers
  • The impacts of consolidation on the industry at large
  • Investor perspectives on industry consolidation

Todd Brooker,
President, Cawley, Gillespie & Associates, Inc.

Joe Foran, Chairman of the Board, CEO, Matador Resources
Steve Gill, Co-Head of Mergers and Acquisitions and Capital Markets, Vinson & Elkins
Andrew Rapp, Partner and COO, Petrie Partners
Doug Reynolds, Managing Director, Energy & Power, Piper Sandler


Cawley Gillespie logo

4:10 - 4:35 PM

A Macro Perspective: Emissions Regulations and the Effects of Consolidation

In December, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency issued new rules governing methane emissions from oil and gas sites across the country, with the aim to prevent 1.5 billion tons of greenhouse gas emissions. The regulation is likely to have a significant impact on any company operating in the oil and gas industry in the U.S. Meanwhile, low natural gas prices and rapid consolidation are impacting service pricing. This macro analysis of key industry trends will cover:

  • The proposed methane tax and the impact on the industry’s license to operate

  • How funds from the Inflation Reduction Act will arm small independent producers with training and funds to reduce emissions

  • The effect of permitting delays on infrastructure build-out and natural gas pricing

  • The impact of consolidation on drilling activity and service pricing

Jordan Blum,
Editorial Director, Hart Energy

Steve Pruett, 
Chairman, IPAA and CEO, Elevation Resources


B&l Pipeco logo

4:35 - 5:00 PM

Special Address: Geopolitical Challenges & Global Terrorism Risk
Session Open to All SUPER DUG Conference & Expo Attendees

One of the country’s most respected national security experts, Michael Morell, is the former deputy director and acting director of the Central Intelligence Agency and the author of the New York Times bestseller The Great War of Our Time: The CIA’s Fight Against Terrorism from Al-Qaeda to ISIS.

He is the only official who was with both President Bush on September 11th and President Obama on May 1st, when Osama Bin Laden was brought to justice during a raid that Morell had been integral in planning. Morell shares insights on current threats and the geopolitical challenges that keep one of the nation’s most legendary CIA leaders awake at night while navigating the complex web of U.S. politics and energy security.

Rich Eichler,
CEO, Hart Energy

Michael Morell, Former Deputy and Acting Director of the CIA and Best Selling Author


Petro Hunt logo

5:00 - 6:00 PM

Reception on the Exhibit Floor  

Day Two Thursday, May 16th
7:00 - 8:00 AM

Registration Opens & Breakfast on the Exhibit Floor

Baker Hughes

8:00 - 8:15 AM

Introduction and welcoming remarks

Jordan Blum,
Editorial Director, Hart Energy

8:15 - 8:40 AM

Operator Session: Apache

For over 30 years, Apache Corporation has maintained a significant position in the Permian Basin. In recent years, the company has made notable capital efficiency improvements, enhancing returns while delivering strong oil volume growth. The company’s well performance speaks for itself, with top-tier well results and best-in-class productivity improvements in both the Midland and Delaware Basins.   

Performance improvements have been driven by differential development planning and execution and substantial drilling efficiency gains. The company developed a proprietary neural network to identify and simulate hundreds of development scenarios with a goal of optimizing NPV per section and per well capital efficiency.  

With the increased sophistication of its approach and proven impact to project economics, the company recently expanded its position in the Basin with the April 2024 acquisition of Callon Petroleum. This strategic acquisition will allow Apache to apply its unconventional technical expertise and proprietary workflows to drive further improvement and value creation on the newly expanded Permian position.

Jordan Blum,
Editorial Director, Hart Energy

John Christmann, CEO, Apache


Texas Capital Logo

8:40 - 9:05 AM

Expanding the Uinta: XCL Resources

An EnCap Investments portfolio company, and an evolution of Rice Energy, XCL Resources focuses on cube development of the Uinta Basin from 45,000 net acres. In this operator session, you’ll hear more about:

  • Updates on new production benches with increased density 
  • Results of 3-mile lateral wells
  • Cost competitiveness versus the Permian Basin
  • Expanding crude oil markets outside of Utah

Eric Stevens,
President and Chief Operating Officer, Netherland, Sewell & Associates, Inc.

Blake McKenna, President and COO, XCL Resources



9:05 - 9:30 AM 

Details of Permian Success Story: Private Equity-Backed Delaware Basin Producer Reveals its Post Consolidation Plans

Backed by Post Oak Energy Capital, UpCurve Energy was formed in 2015. The core team of ex-ConocoPhillips colleagues focuses on leveraging technology and innovation to develop and operate more than 20,000 acres in the Delaware Basin. In this session, you’ll hear from top leadership from UpCurve as they share insight, including:    

  • A snapshot of the company’s Permian Basin acreage and perspective on M&A
  • Production plans for 2024 and beyond     
  • The company’s perspective on adopting and implementing new technologies
  • The role of private equity in today’s market landscape

Jordan Blum,
Editorial Director, Hart Energy

Zach Fenton, CEO, UpCurve Energy 


ComboCurve Logo

9:30 - 9:55 AM

Shale 4.0: Analyst Perspective on the new Era of Consolidation

This new era of unconventional oil and gas development has seen record-breaking M&A and rapid consolidation. Meanwhile, producers are generating free cash flow and returns for investors. But after several megadeals, where will E&Ps turn to next? In this session from a leading market analyst, you’ll hear more about::

  • After several megadeals, where will E&Ps turn to next for consolidation?
  • What valuation multiples reveal about the types of deals in the market
  • How shareholder sentiment changes have influenced operator strategy
  • The impact of consolidation on Lower 48 output in the years to come

Brian Walzel
, Senior Editor, Hart Energy

Matthew Bernstein, 
Senior Analyst, Rystad Energy


Corva logo

9:55 - 10:20 AM

Morning Networking Break


Mustang Cat

10:20 - 10:45 AM

Perspectives From an M&A and Investment Leader 

Darren Barbee,
Senior Managing Editor, Hart Energy

Stephen Trauber, 
Managing Director, Chairman and Global Head of Energy and Clean Technology, Moelis

OMNI Environmental logo

10:45 - 11:10 AM

Perspective on Policy: An Outlook on Federal Regulations of Natural Resources

In 2023, the U.S. became the largest energy producer of any country in history. But with shifting policies and the emergence of new regulations, how does the U.S. retain that claim? In this roundtable discussion, policy experts will discuss:

  • Potential emerging regulations and how to be prepared
  • What regulations might be necessary to ensure market fairness and stability
  • Perspectives on regulations of new energies and new emerging markets
  • An analysis of supply and demand and the energy security landscape

Deon Daugherty,
Editor-in-Chief, Hart Energy

James Dolphin, Partner, Environmental, Kirkland & Ellis


Gravity logo

11:10 - 11:40 AM

Financing Trends in the Unconventional Development Industry

James Wicklund, 
Managing Director, Parks Paton, Hoepft & Brown (PPHB) 

Michael Bodino,
Managing Director, Texas Capital
Russell Weinberg, Managing Director and Founder, Energy Capital Solutions
Stuart Weinman, CEO, Total Sand Solutions


Sunbridge energy services logo

11:40 - 12:05 PM

Primer on Power Generation, Opportunities and Challenges in Texas

Brandon Schwertner, CEO, Priority Power

Sam Siegel, Vice President, Wholesale Strategy, Vistra Corp.


Priority Power logo

12:05 - 1:25 PM

Networking Luncheon


Liberty Energy

1:25 - 1:50 PM

Investor Insights into Upstream Consolidation and Capital Allocation

Rapid consolidation has shaken up the oil and gas industry, with more deals sure to be on the horizon. But what types of companies could be targets? Meanwhile, producers continue to generate free cash flow and increase dividends. How are those strategies impacting capital allocation? In this discussion with an industry thought leader, some of the key topics will include:

  • Insight to what Kimmeridge believes is still the early days of upstream consolidation    
  • Perspective on producer capital allocation and the debate around special dividends
  • A reassessment of the role of natural gas in the energy transition and the implications for gas equities

David Deckelbaum,
Managing Director, Energy Transition and Sustainability, Cowen

Mark Viviano, 
Managing Partner and Lead Portfolio Manager, Kimmeridge Energy Engagement Partners


Alvarez & Martinez logo

    1:50 - 2:20 PM 

Federal Trade Commission Deal Reviews: Insight on the Fed's Second Look at Major Deals

Recent major deals like ExxonMobil and Pioneer Natural Resources, and Chevron and Hess, are being reviewed by the FTC. While the deals are expected to be completed, federal oversight could have an impact on future deal-making. A panel of experts in this session will discuss:

  • How second looks by the FTC could impact future deals
  • What might the FTC be looking at, and would could influence a possible deal
  • What types of deals might the FTC not be inclined to review
  • How to think about FTC regulations in future deal-making

Nissa Darbonne,
Executive Editor-at-Large, Hart Energy

Chuck Boyars, Partner, Antitrust & Competition, Kirkland & Ellis
Lande Spottswood, Partner, Vinson & Elkins


CP Energy logo

2:20 - 2:45 PM

FireBird Energy: Perspectives from a Private Equity-Backed Permian Producer

A portfolio company of Quantum Energy Partners and operating in the Midland Basin, FireBird II was formed following the sale of FireBird Energy LLC to Diamondback Energy for approximately $1.6 billion in November 2022. Since its formation in April 2023, FireBird II has assembled approximately 20,000 gross acres and is currently running 2 rigs. In this operator session, you’ll learn more about:

  • Why FireBird II? Lessons learned from FireBird I and a new perspective for Version 2       
  • Update on FireBird II’s current position and activity   
  • Insight into FireBird II’s operational plans for 2024
  • Outlook on growth opportunities and potential challenges

Chris Mathews,
Senior Editor, Shale/A&D, Hart Energy

Travis Thompson, 
CEO, FireBird Energy II


DataForge Technologies

2:45 - 3:10 PM

Midstream Insights: Full Integration in the Delaware Basin

Formed in the merger of EagleClaw Midstream and Altus Midstream, Kinetik is the largest publicly traded, Permian pure-play midstream company, providing natural gas gathering, processing, and treating, oil gathering, and produced water gathering and disposal. Kinetik’s extensive system spans across Texas and New Mexico connecting the wellhead to the US Gulf Coast. In this session, you’ll hear more about:

  • Kinetik’s strategy to accommodate continued growth on its system and support the next phase of Permian growth   
  • The impact of the Permian Highway Pipeline Expansion on the basin’s takeaway capacity and the need for incremental egress
  • Insights into the company’s gathering expansion in New Mexico
  • How consolidation has impacted the midstream sector

Kevin Abbrat, Industry Solutions Advisor, Detechtion Technologies

Jamie Welch, President and CEO, Kinetik


Detechtion Sponsor


   3:10 - 3:35 PM

Networking Break


Diamondback Energy



3:35 - 4:00 PM

A Deep Dive into the Delaware Basin: Franklin Mountain Energy Makes its Mark in New Mexico

Franklin Mountain Energy is a Permian pure-play private, with over 30,000 net acres in Lea County, New Mexico. The company was formed in 2018 through a series of transactions in southeastern New Mexico and today is one of the largest private operators in the Delaware Basin. Since its inception, Franklin Mountain has drilled more than 130 wells and produces on average 50,000 boe/d. Some of the insights from this operator session will include:

  • The unique history and creation of Franklin Mountain       
  • Insight into how non-traditional capital formation has driven operational success and excellence in execution   
  • Discussion on Franklin Mountain’s execution strategy and philosophy
  • The company’s view on the current Permian landscape

Chris Mathews,
Senior Editor, Shale/A&D, Hart Energy

Audrey Robertson, 
Co-Founder and Executive Vice President Finance, Franklin Mountain Energy


NexTier logo

4:00 - 4:30 PM

Methane Mitigation: Solutions and Insight into Managing Emissions and Understanding Regulations

The emissions reductions landscape is rapidly evolving, with new EPA rules regulating methane emissions being announced in December. Understanding what it all means is critical to maintaining a social license as well as ensuring operations meet policy requirements. In this session, you’ll hear more about:

  • Understanding where methane emissions are most likely to occur
  • Methods to reduce or eliminate methane emissions
  • Emerging technologies to know and understand
  • Making sense of the EPAs new emission regulation policy

Jennifer Pallanich,
Senior Editor, Technology, Hart Energy

Shankar Annamalai, Senior Vice President, Permian Geo Market and Emissions Technologies, ChampionX
Grant Swartzwelder, President, OTA Environmental Solutions


Crimmaron logo

4:30 - 5:00 PM

Special Address: An Insider's Perspective on the 2024 Presidential Election
Session Open to all SUPER DUG Attendees

Listen in as Karl Rove shares his unique insight into the upcoming presidential election and its effect on global energy issues. From 2000 to 2007 Rove served as Senior Advisor to former President George W. Bush, and from 2004 to 2007 as Deputy Chief of Staff. Known as “The Architect” of President Bush’s 2000 and 2004 campaigns, Rove now is a frequent contributor to Fox News, writes a weekly op-ed for The Wall Street Journal and is a New York Times bestselling author.

Rich Eichler,
CEO, Hart Energy

Karl Rove - Former Senior Advisor to President George W. Bush and iconic political strategist


Archrock logo


5:00 - 6:00 PM
Reception on the Exhibit Floor
6:00 - 10:00 PM

Official SUPER DUG After Party

Join us at Billy Bob's Texas and enjoy food and drinks, then listen to live country music featuring Kevin Fowler. Entrance to this party is included in the Full Access pass for SUPER DUG attendees, or it can be added to the Exhibit Hall Only pass for a nominal fee. It’s the networking party you won’t want to miss! 




Day Three Friday, May 17th
7:00 - 8:15 AM

Registration Opens & Breakfast on the Exhibit Floor

Baker Hughes

8:15 - 8:30 AM

Introduction and welcoming remarks
jordan Blum, editorial Director, hart energy


8:30 - 8:55 AM

Right-sizing in the Bakken & Three Forks: Liberty Resources

Liberty Resources recently transacted on more than 100 operated well and 85,000 net acres. In this operator session, some of the key insights you’ll hear will include:

  • What’s next for Liberty Resources and for the industry in the Bakken?
  • Results of the company’s 3-mile laterals and completion optimization technologies
  • The latest on the company’s EOR projects
  • How Liberty Resources sees the current A&D landscape

Jordan Blum,
Editorial Director, Hart Energy

Mark Pearson, President and CEO, Liberty Resources


W Energy Software logo


8:55 - 9:20 AM

Averting the Next Energy Crisis: Finding New Talent for the Industry 

Recent industry reports are finding what many already know: Finding enough—and the right kind—of new talent for the oil and gas industry is becoming increasingly challenging. As the oil and gas industry continues to find its way amid the Energy Transition, finding that talent is critical to sustained success. Some of the key topics covered in this session will include:

  • Identifying the challenge: Understanding the reasons for the talent shortage
  • Getting in at the ground floor: Ways the industry can enhance the prospects of a career in oil and gas
  • Finding the right talent: Identifying the leaders of tomorrow in a competitive hiring environment
  • Retaining talent: What needs to be done to make sure your workforce stays competitive and motivated

Brian Walzel
, Senior Editor, Hart Energy

Molly Determan, President, Energy Workforce and Technology Council


smu logo

9:20 - 9:45 AM

Operator Session: Surge Energy  

Chris Mathews,
Senior Editor, Shale/A&D, Hart Energy

Linhua Guan, CEO, Surge Energy America


VOK Financial logo


9:45 - 10:10 AM

Morning Networking Break


Mustang Cat

10:10 - 10:40 AM

Service Costs and Availability Amid a Volatile Market

With operators tempering production growth estimates, instead focusing on returning cash to shareholders, what does that mean for the service industry? 2024 could see more readily available frac crews and rigs with potential discounts. Key takeaways from this discussion will include:

  • The impact of rig counts on service pricing
  • The consolidation effect: What does it all mean for the service industry?
  • Where are the bottlenecks in services, and how are they overcome?
  • Where can value be found in service offerings?

Jennifer Pallanich,
Senior Editor, Technology, Hart Energy

David Reid, Chief Technology Officer, NOV
James West, Senior Managing Director, Evercore


Rystad Energy logo

10:40 - 11:10 AM

Efficiency in Extended Reach: A Deep Dive on Horizontal Well Laterals Lengths

It has been well established that longer laterals prove to generate better production and cost efficiencies. Now with 4-mile laterals in the Permian Basin, is the industry reaching its lateral length limits? This panel discussion will take a close look at how extended laterals in the Permian Basin are faring. Here, you’ll learn:

  • How improved pump and motor designs are leading to increased production
  • Leveraging monitoring and system optimization software to enhance efficiencies
  • How reservoir quality dictates lateral length
  • How development plans like well spacing and frac design influence lateral length

Jennifer Pallanich,
Senior Editor, Technology, Hart Energy

Jim Jacobsen, Drilling Manager, IPT Solutions
Sola Oluwadare,  Drilling Engineer, SLB
Jeremy Workman, Executive Sales, Coiled Tubing, NOV


PropX logo

11:10 - 11:35 AM

Operator Spotlight: PureWest Energy

Darren Barbee,
Senior Managing Editor, Hart Energy

Kristel Franklin, Chief Operating Officer, PureWest Energy


Patterson UTI logo

11:35- NOON

Power Industry Perspectives: ERCOT 

Jordan Blum,
Editorial Director, Hart Energy

Kristi Hobbs,  Vice President, System Planning and Weatherization, Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT)


Priority Power logo


Conference Adjourns

Pre-Show AI Workshop Tuesday, May 14th
1:00 - 1:15 PM

Welcome and Opening remarks
Jordan Blum,
Editorial Director, Hart Energy

1:15 - 1:45 PM

Opening Session: AI in the Oilfield Transforming Oil and Gas Production

Jordan Blum,
Editorial Director, Hart Energy

Sebastian Gass, 
Chief Technology Officer, Quantum Capital Group

1:45 - 2:15 PM

AI-led Geological Assessments: Helping Make Capex Decisions 

Nissa Darbonne,
Executive Editor-at-Large, Hart Energy

Troy Ruths, Founder & CEO, Petro AI

2:15 - 2:35 PM

Case Study: Artificial Lift Optimization and Predictive Maintenance

The session will present case studies including pumping unit optimization to recover lost production, ESP failure prediction, and increasing natural gas production by optimizing plunger lift setpoints.

Jennifer Pallanich,
Senior Editor, Technology, Hart Energy

Drew Laviage, 
Director of Product and Customer Experience, Ambyint

2:35 - 3:00 PM

Operationalizing Drilling AI: It's Still All About the People

Jennifer Pallanich,
Senior Editor, Technology, Hart Energy

William Fox, 
General Manager, Corva Drilling

3:00 - 3:25 PM

Networking Break

3:25 - 3:50 PM

Charting a Course from Data Abundance to AI Fruition

You have the data, but what do you do with it? This session will explore strategies for data monetization, overcoming data discrepancies, employing AI for data refinement and translating data into operational solutions with measurable ROI.

Jordan Blum,
Editorial Director, Hart Energy

Lonnie Smith,
 President and Co-Founder, Turnco

3:50 - 4:10 PM

Practical Applications of AI in Upstream Oil and Gas Business

Koda Resources presents three practical use cases for AI. Covering field operations, drilling analytics and planning, and back office infrastructure, see how a small operator from Denver has utilized AI.

Nissa Darbonne,
Executive Editor-at-Large, Hart Energy

Evan Rynearson, SCADA Engineering Manager, KODA Resources

4:10 - 4:35 PM

Case Study: Predicting Well Performance and Production Optimization 

In this session learn how one North American oil and gas company recently integrated its operations for well optimization to achieve double-digit incremental net recovery over base volumes and an annualized incremental margin improvement of $6 million-plus using an automated field production solution.

Jennifer Pallanich,
Senior Editor, Technology, Hart Energy

Chris Elliott, Global Leucipa Sales and Commercial Leader, Baker Hughes

4:35 - 5:00 PM

AI Applications in Asset Management

Jordan Blum,
Editorial Director, Hart Energy

Sammy Haroon, 
President & CEO, AlphaX Decision Sciences
Mo Saadat, Managing Director, Upstream Portfolio, Accenture

Pre-Show Water Mgmt. Workshop Tuesday, May 14th
1:00 - 1:15 PM

Welcome and Opening remarks
Brian Walzel
, Senior Editor, Hart Energy

1:15 - 1:45 PM

Opening Session: The State of Produced Water and Market Overview

The Texas Permian Basin produces more than 168 billion barrels of produced water per year. With some analysis estimating that half of that amount is recycled for hydraulic fracturing process, that still leaves an enormous amount of produced water—and a sizeable challenge—to either properly dispose of or find new uses for. In this Produced Water Market Overview, you’ll hear more about:

  • The current state of produced water in the Permian Basin and the challenges facing the industry
  • What solutions exist in reusing, treating and recycling produced water
  • Meeting future demand in water-challenged West Texas
  • The latest on produced water injection policy and regulation

Brian Walzel
, Senior Editor, Hart Energy

Steve Coffee, 
President, Produced Water Society

1:45 - 2:15 PM

Beneficial Reuse: New Uses for Produced Water 

There is increasing interest, and opportunities, in beneficial reuse of produced water outside of the oil and gas industry. New uses for treated produced water can now be applied in irrigation, municipal uses, agriculture and industrial sectors. Key takeaways from this session will include:

  • Treatment processes for beneficial reuse
  • What industry is leading the race in produced water reuse, and which industries are emerging
  • How to connect your produced water operations with the right industries
  • Cost analysis of reuse versus recycling

Rob Bruant, Director of Product, B3 Insight

Michael Dunkel,
Energy, Water and Carbon Advisor, Tetra Tech
Duane Germenis, President, Intelligent Water Solutions

2:15 - 2:45 PM

Operator's Perspective on Water Midstream 

Different oil and gas producers take different approaches to water management, access, transportation and disposal. With so much water being moved around West Texas, ensuring water access, treatment and disposal operations are key to maximizing cost efficiencies. This producer perspective session will highlight:

  • The state of the water midstream industry in the Permian Basin
  • Current challenges in water acquisition, and possible solutions
  • Insights on costs on recycling, reuse and disposal

Deon Daugherty,
Editor-in-Chief, Hart Energy

Joe de Almeida,
 Director, Water Strategy and Technology, Oxy
Jonathan Kiesewetter, Global Production - Facilities Engineer, ConocoPhillips

2:45 - 3:10 PM

Sustainable Water Management in the Midland Basin 

Formed as a joint venture between Diamondback Energy and Five Point Energy, Deep Blue is the largest independent water infrastructure platform in the Midland Basin. Deep Blue has permitted disposal capacity of approximately 2 million barrels per day and 65 million barrels of water storage. The project also includes extensive water recycling capabilities. In this session, here more about:

  • Water management challenges facing producers in the Midland Basin
  • How new infrastructure is helping producers secure enough water for fracking operations
  • Disposal, reuse and recycling: Cost analysis
  • Available capacity and growth opportunities

Brian Walzel
, Senior Editor, Hart Energy

Scott Mitchell, CEO, Deep Blue

3:10 - 3:40 PM

Networking Break

3:40 - 4:05 PM

Environmental Policy Regulations in Produced Water Management 

Oilfield produced water practices have seen a multitude of regulations, both nationally and regionally. Understanding what you can—and cannot—do with produced water is key not only to operational success, but also maintaining a social license to operate. In this session, you’ll learn more about:

  • Reductions of allowable volatile organic compounds in produced water in New Mexico
  • Applied emissions factors on produced water resulting from COP 28
  • The latest on regulatory frameworks from the Texas Railroad Commission
  • Insight into produced water disposal policies designed to curtail induced seismicity

Sandy Segrist,
Senior Editor, Gas & Midstream,, Hart Energy

Mark Patton,
President Hydrozonix

4:05 - 4:30 PM

Induced Seismicity: Insights on Challenges and Policies

WIth induced seismicity in West Texas an ongoing concern, regulators have placed restrictions on disposal options. Knowing the latest policies and mandates are key to efficient water disposal operations. In this discussion, hear more about:

  • Induced seismicity trends in and around the Permian Basin
  • The latest on disposal mandates and regulations
  • Where to find available disposal capacity and what to know before you store produced water
  • Discussion on seismicity mitigation strategies

Deon Daugherty,
Editor-in-Chief, Hart Energy

Kelly Bennett, Co-Founder and CEO, B3 Insight

4:30 - 5:00 PM

Water Treatment for Reuse and Recycling

Identifying alternatives to produced water disposal is not only environmentally responsible, it’s also smart business. With the recycling costs continuing to shrink, more alternatives to disposal are economically feasible. Key takeaways from this session will include:

  • Cost analysis of water recycling vs. disposal
  • Recycling options in the Delaware and Midland basins
  • Trends and analysis of water reuse and recycling across the Permian Basin

Brian Walzel
, Senior Editor, Hart Energy

John Durand,
Vice Chairman, XRI
Dan Montgomery, Executive Vice President - Operations, Bison Water Management
Michael Neese, Vice President, Operations and Project Development, Fidelis New Energy

Robert Anderson

DirectorPermian Resources Board of Directors

Tony Barrett

Vice President & Chief GeoscientistContinental Resources

Douglas Brooks

DirectorDE Brooks Company

Nissa Darbonne

Executive Editor-at-LargeHart Energy

David Deckelbaum

Managing Director/ET and SustainabilityCowen

Molly Determan

PresidentEnergy Workforce and Technology Council

David Fait

Integrated Digital Program LeaderChampionX

Sebastian Gass

Chief Technology OfficerQuantum Capital Group

Duane Germenis

PresidentIntelligent Water Solutions

Glenn Hart

President & CEORio Grande E&P

Hinds Howard

Portfolio Manager/InfrastructureCBRE Investment Management

Ryan Keys

Founder/ChairmanTriple Crown Resources

Lee Maginniss

Managing Director, Global Leader, Energy PracticeAlvarez and Marsal

Ken Medlock

Senior DirectorBaker Institute Center for Energy Studies

Kaes Van't Hof

President & CFODiamondback Energy

Featured Sponsors

Special Addresses By Our Honored Guests

Michael Morell

Hart Energy and the SUPER DUG Advisory Council are pleased to announce a special address at this year’s conference as Michael Morell -- one of the country’s most respected national security experts. Michael Morell, is the former deputy director and acting director of the Central Intelligence Agency and the author of the New York Times bestseller The Great War of Our Time: The CIA’s Fight Against Terrorism from Al-Qaeda to ISIS.

He is the only official who was with both President Bush on September 11th and President Obama on May 1st, when Osama Bin Laden was brought to justice during a raid that Morell had been integral in planning. Morell shares insights on current threats and the geopolitical challenges that keep one of the nation’s most legendary CIA leaders awake at night while navigating the complex web of U.S. politics and energy security.

Karl Rove

Hart Energy and the SUPER DUG Advisory Council are pleased to announce a special address at this year’s conference as Karl Rove, former Senior Advisor to President George W. Bush - provides perspectives on the upcoming presidential elections on May 16th.

Mr. Rove oversaw the Offices of Strategic Initiatives, Political Affairs, Public Liaison and Intergovernmental Affairs, and was Deputy Chief of Staff for Policy, coordinating the White House policy-making process. He was the architect of President Bush’s 2000 and 2004 White House victories. A Colorado native, Rove new resides in Austin, Texas., where he teaches at the University of Texas and serves on the Texas State History museum and McDonald Observatory boards.


Be at the Forefront of Energy Technologies and Innovations

In 2023, Hart Energy combined four existing DUG conferences into one, 3-day shale event SUPER DUG which focuses on energy production in the shale plays of the Permian Basin, Eagle Ford, Bakken, Midcontinent and the Rockies. These five major plays constitutes the super majority of all shale drilling in the continental U.S., and in 2024 we're also including Marcellus and Utica which will attract executives and attendees from every shale producing area.


Water Management Workshop

Oil and gas development in the Permian Basin results in more than 15 million barrels of water produced per day. The challenges in recycling, reusing, and disposing of that much water are enormous.

Knowing the latest trends and technologies in water management is key to operational success, achieving environmental goals, and maximizing cost efficiencies. The SUPER DUG Water Management Workshop will offer insight and analysis from the leading water management companies to help you make smart decisions in handling produced water now and into the future.

View Agenda
Compelling energy insights and exclusive networking opportunities.

Meet top executives from companies like Accelerate Resources, Bayswater Exploration, BP, BPX Energy, Chevron, ConocoPhillips, Continental Resources, Devon Energy, EOG Resources, ExxonMobil, Pioneer Natural Resources, OXY, Rockies Resources, Sandridge Energy, Tall City Exploration and more.


AI in the Oilfield Workshop

More than 92% of oil and gas companies are investing in artificial intelligence technologies or plan to in the next two years. Half of oil and gas executives say they are already employing AI to solve company challenges, which means AI in the oil and gas industry is here to stay.

In the SUPER DUG AI in the Oilfield Workshop, you’ll hear from thought leaders about the current AI landscape, risk mitigation around protecting your data, and case studies into the real-world applications that are impacting the bottom line now.

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Advisory Council

Hart Energy is moving in a strategic direction by getting industry input to drive the conversation for each event. In order to ensure our content is not only relative to you and your peers, but are also timely. SUPER DUG's Conference Advisory Council is made up of industry leaders, game changers and drivers. We are grateful to our Conference Advisory Council members for their contribution to not only this industry and its success, but their expertise to drive the conference agenda to a more robust and thoughtful direction.


SUPER DUG's official After Party

May 16, 2024 | 6 - 10pm
Billy Bob's Texas

Enjoy food and drinks, then listen to live country music entertainer Kevin Fowler. Entrance to this party is included in the Full Access pass for SUPER DUG attendees, or it can be added to the Exhibit Hall Only pass for a nominal fee. It’s the networking party you won’t want to miss! 

About the Venue

Billy Bob’s Texas opened on April 1, 1981, with national attention featuring its 100,000 square feet entertainment center, more than 30 bar stations, country music’s biggest stars, real Pro Bull Riding, and a Texas-size dance floor. It became known as “The World’s Largest Honky Tonk”, where more than 6,000 fun-loving folks of all ages could enjoy entertainment every day and night.

Sponsored by:

Enjoy live country music from legendary Texan, Kevin Fowler

Hart Energy is proud to announce entertainer Kevin Fowler as the country artist performing at the SUPER DUG After Party at Billy Bobs.  Tickets for the event are included with your full-conference pass.  Exhibit hall passes can add this event for a nominal fee. 

About his Journey

Kevin Fowler has found a way to live the dream - by earning it.  It’s never been an easy or short road, but it’s a path he wouldn’t trade and has positioned him as one of the most consistent artists, in any genre, of the last two decades. His musical journey began playing in rock bands before finding his footing as a solo act in the early 2000s in his home state of Texas, where he burst onto the scene with the celebrated album Beer Bait and Ammo - a mainstay for fans to this day. Fowler released nine additional albums over the following years after Beer Bait and Ammo, including his most recent solo effort 2019’s Barstool Stories.

Meet Our Featured Speakers

You’ll hear from speakers representing the most active players, from the financial community to the producers’ C-suites.
Aaron Chang

Vice President, Anadarko Basin, Continental Resources

John Christmann

Chief Executive Officer, Apache

Joe Foran

Chairman of the Board, CEO, Matador Resources

Brad Iles

Chief Executive Officer, Brazos Midstream

Blake McKenna

President and COO, XCL Resources

Nick McKenna

Vice President, Midland Basin, ConocoPhillips

Audrey Robertson

Co-Founder and Executive Vice President, Franklin Mountain Energy

Travis Thompson

CEO, FireBird Energy II

Kaes Van't Hof

President and CFO, Diamondback Energy

View All Speakers

Key Topics to be Covered

Join us in May 2024 when industry leaders will discuss topics such as:

  • Permian Basin Shale Activity
  • Eagle Ford Shale Activity
  • Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)
  • Mergers, Acqusition & Markets
  • Operator Panels by Shale Region
  • Bakken & Rockies Shale Activity
  • Policy & Regulation
  • Scoop/Stack Shale Activity

View Agenda


What the Experts Are Saying:

I hope everyone registers for SUPER Fort Worth, Texas. It is one of our greatest annual industry events, showcasing all facets of the oil and gas value chain in North America.

Kaes Van't Hof

President & CFO, Diamondback Energy

Hart Energy DUG conferences are always exciting and insightful; however, the schedule coming together for SUPER DUG is fantastic. It will be a one-stop shop for all things in and around the North American shale plays. The conversations around economics and M&A alongside ESG and operations will be beneficial for operators, analysts and service providers alike.

David Fait

P.E., Integrated Digital Program Leader, ChampionX

We rarely get an opportunity to compare and contrast techniques, ideas, and, strategies from the single basin in which we focus. SUPER DUG is an excellent way to do so in other basins.

Glenn Hart

Chairman, Rio Grande E&P