Beach Energy Limited (ASX: BPT) continues to progress on its arsenal of well projects in Australia.

Beach Operated Cooper-Eromanga Oil - Western Flank
Beach commenced a minimum sixteen well drilling program on the Western Flank when it spudded the Parsons-3 development well (Beach 75%) on Feb 23. As of March 2, Parsons-3 is preparing to run casing after successfully intersecting a nine metre oil column within high-quality reservoir sandstone.

Following Parsons-3, the rig will move to further develop the field by drilling Parsons-4, followed by the first exploration well of the campaign, Jaffa-1 (also Beach 75%).

Beach Operated Cooper-Eromanga Basin Gas - PEL 106FI Block
A workover rig is currently preparing Canunda-1 to re-continue production testing after retrieving wireline and pressure gauges. The testing is expected to recommence around late March and is intended to define reservoir size and production characteristics of this high liquids gas field (Beach 50%).

Santos (ASX: STO) Operated Cooper Basin Oil and Gas Development
The Kidman North-4 gas development well (Beach 20.21%) was cased and suspended as a future gas producer. A campaign of five development and appraisal wells on the Cook Field (Beach 20%) has been completed with the last two wells of the campaign, Cook-16 and -17, having been cased and suspended as Hutton oil producers during the month. All five wells of the Cook program were successful oil wells.

Beach Operated Cooper Basin Shale Gas Exploration - PEL 218
Holdfast-1 (Beach 90%), the second of a two well back-to-back shale gas exploration program in the Nappamerri Trough, has intersected the top of the target Roseneath-Epsilon-Murteree (REM) sequence and is currently coring. An extensive coring program is planned for this well, and will extend drilling into late March.

Beach has also received some preliminary results from its extensive testing program on the core recovered from the Encounter 1 well. Early results show Total Organic Content (TOC) values in the REM shale sequence compare very favorably to numbers seen in the gas shale plays of the United States. Gas evolving from the core samples and good mud gas readings taken whilst drilling confirm that the REM target section contains gas outside of structural closure, which was one of the key objectives of this drilling campaign. Extensive analyses on the core will continue for some months from both Encounter-1 and from the newly acquired Holdfast-1 samples.

Beach Operated Geothermal - Paralana Project, Arrowie Basin Data from the successful injection test at Paralana-2 (Beach 21%) in early January has been incorporated into the design of the main fracture stimulation. The fracture stimulation is designed to generate a permeable network for fluid flow and on-site work is expected to commence in March.

Beach Operated Gippsland Basin - PRL-2
The downhole gauges were recovered from Wombat-2 in PRL-2 (Beach earning up to 33.3%) on 28th January following the well test; interpretation is ongoing. Planning for a fracture stimulation of Wombat -4 in late second quarter has commenced.