PetroFrontier Corp., Calgary, (TSX: PFC) has spudded its first well, "Baldwin-2", in the Southern Georgina Basin in the Northern Territory, Australia.

PetroFrontier began drilling Baldwin-2 on the morning of Wednesday August 3, 2011, Australian Central Standard Time.

Baldwin-2 is located in the southwestern part of EP 103 in the Southern Georgina Basin. PetroFrontier has a 100% working interest in EP 103 and is the operator. The primary target in Baldwin-2 is the unconventional Basal Arthur Creek "hot" shale, with conventional secondary targets being the Hagen Member and Dolomitic Shoal above the Basal Arthur Creek "hot" shale and the Thorntonia located just below. Management believes that the Arthur Creek "hot" shale is potentially analogous to the Bakken play found in Saskatchewan, Canada and North Dakota, USA. PetroFrontier has re-evaluated existing wellbores on its lands and believes the unconventional Basal Arthur Creek "hot" shale is prospective for hydrocarbons over most of its land holdings. PetroFrontier's capital program for 2011 continues to focus on exploratory drilling opportunities around these existing wellbores.

Baldwin-2 will be air drilled vertically to an estimated depth of 900 meters to test the Thorntonia formation for prospective hydrocarbon shows. The well will then be extensively logged, plugged back and deviated horizontally for approximately 1,000 meters into the Basal Arthur Creek shale. This is expected to take approximately three weeks, at which time PetroFrontier will suspend the well temporarily and move to drill the MacIntyre-2 well, located in the northeastern corner of EP 127. Once it is drilled, MacIntyre-2 will be frac'd and completed using multi-stage open hole techniques. The rig and frac crew will subsequently return to Baldwin-2 to conduct a similar completion program on that well.

According to a report prepared by Ryder Scott Company Canada, dated November 1, 2010, the unrisked, undiscovered, prospective (recoverable) resource, based on a best (P50) scenario, for the unconventional Basal Arthur Creek shale zone in EP 103 and EP 127 may contain approximately 13.2 billion barrels and 2.7 billion barrels (gross) of oil respectively.