WestSide Corporation Limited, Brisbane, (ASX: WCL) andQGC have executed a restructure of the Joint Operating Agreements (JOAs) covering their coal seam gas (CSG) exploration tenements ATP 688P and ATP 769P in Queensland's Bowen Basin.

Dr Julie Beeby, WestSide's chief executive officer, said the restructure offered WestSide a number of significant benefits, including full operatorship of ATP 688P.

"WestSide will also now assume operatorship over a significantly larger proportion of ATP 769P, providing greater potential synergies with the adjacent producing Meridian SeamGas operation near Moura in the southern Bowen Basin," says Beeby.

"The extension of our operatorship in both tenements attests to WestSide being a capable and cost-efficient operator.

"WestSide is also developing key technical expertise at Meridian SeamGas that will be utilized in certifying additional reserves and developing future production from these Bowen Basin exploration tenements."

Under the restructure QGC will become the sole owner of the Central Area within ATP 769P, an area where WestSide has decided not to participate in further exploration.

QGC has committed to solely fund a regional seismic program throughout ATP 769P and will provide WestSide with access to approximately 240 km of seismic data related to the joint operating area.

Following the restructure QGC will retain a 50% interest in ATP 688P and a 50% operating interest in the remaining joint operating area within ATP 769P.

The joint venture restructure will also allow an offer to be made to Mitsui E&P Australia (Mitsui) to acquire 49% of WestSide’s restructured 50% joint venture interests in both tenements under the new agreement.

"We are delighted with this outcome which takes us one step closer to bringing Mitsui into these tenements and further demonstrates the good working relationship we have developed with QGC," adds Beeby.