Beach Energy Announces Bauer Field Appraisal Results

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In South Australia's Bauer Field, Beach Energy Ltd. announced additional appraisal drilling results from permit area PEL91. The #12-Bauer targeted potential in McKinlay Member and the Namur Sandstone. At #12-Bauer, the well intersected the primary Namur Sandstone target 3 m above the planned production interval and hit 5 m of oil pay. An additional 5 m oil-bearing interval was also intersected in the overlying McKinlay Member. The results have extended the areal extent of the field, with preliminary mapping adding 2.5 MMbbl to the 2P reserves of Bauer. The #12-Bauer will be cased and suspended as a future oil producer and the rig will be moved to drill #13-Bauer. Bauer is the largest field on the Western Flank of the Cooper Basin and produces from eight wells in both the McKinlay and Namur reservoirs, with three further wells yet to come online. Beach has an additional nine wells planned for completion before the end of June 2014. Beach Energy is the operator of PEL91 and Bauer Field with 40% interest in partnership with Drillsearch Energy with 60%.