Beach Energy Hits Stacked Pay Over Mckinlay/Top Namur, Mid-Namur, Birkhead Reservoirs

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In South Australia's PEL 91 permit area, Beach Energy Ltd. announced an oil discovery. The #1-Stunsail hit stacked pay over the McKinlay/Top Namur, Mid-Namur and Birkhead reservoirs. The well intersected McKinlay/Namur at 1,367 m with a 10-m column, 6 m of which was within Namur Sandstone. A 4-m oil column was also penetrated in mid-Namur at a depth of 1,403 m. Additional oil shows were found in the deeper Birkhead and two intervals were tested. The first drillstem test was conducted in a gross 15-meter section at 1,667 m and recovered 46 bbl of oil and 3 bbl of filtrate over a four-hour period. The second drillstem test is in a gross 11.5-m section at 1,610 m and the Adelaide, South Australia-based company is waiting on results. The rig will be moved to exploration well #1-Hardwicke, which is located approximately 8 km to the northeast of #1-Stunsail. Beach is the operator of PEL91 and #1-Stunsail with 40% interest in partnership with Drillsearch Energy, holding 60%.