Beach Energy Results From Nappamerri Trough Gas Program

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Beach Energy Ltd. completed fracture-stimulation at its #2-Boston vertical well in the company's Nappamerri Trough Natural Gas Program. Beach's prospect is in Queensland's ATP855 and South Australia's PRL 33-49. The #1-Boston is in PRL37 and was fracture-stimulated in eight stages during a 10-day period The company reported that stimulation intervals were successfully placed, but subsequent downhole mechanical issues restricted the ability to clean the wellbore. Minimal gas flowed to surface and the well was plugged and suspended. Adelaide, South Australia-based Beach is operator of the permit area with 70% interest in partnership with Chevron holding the remaining 30%. Beach is also operator of Queensland's ATP855 with 46.9% interest in partnership with Icon Energy, holding 35.1%, and Chevron with the remaining 18%.