Beach Energy Underway At Nappamerri Trough Venture

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Beach Energy Ltd. is underway at a shale gas exploration well, #1-Etty in western Queensland. The venture is in the Nappamerri Trough in the ATP855 permit area. The well has a planned depth of 3,800 meters and is targeting the Permian formations from the top of Toolache to the top of Patchawarra in this part of the Trough. Nearby is #1-Halifax, which produced 2.2 million cu. ft. per day from a Permian zone. According to Adelaide-based Beach, the work program for the remainder of 2014 includes hydraulic stimulation and extended well testing that is set to begin in the third quarter, with the an optimized stimulation program that focuses on specific horizons in each well. Beach is the operator of ATP855 and #1-Etty with 46.9% interest in partnership with Icon holding 35.1%, and Chevron with the remaining 18%.