Brooks Petroleum To Drill Two Cotton Valley Wells In Red River County, Texas

Drilling Activity Details


United States

Post Date
Well Name
#1 Pace, #1 Conway
Geo Coordinate

Drilling Activity Summary


Two Cotton Valley-Clarksville Field tests are planned by Brooks Petroleum Co. in Red River County (RRC Dist. 6), Texas. The #1 Pace will be drilled to 6,000 ft and is on an 80-acre lease in John Butler Survey, A-66. Within four mile to the west-southwest, #1 Conway will be drilled to 6,000 ft and is on an 80-acre lease in George Clapham Survey, A-176. If #1 Pace is completed, it would extend the Cotton Valley reservoir three miles to the northeast. Additional Cotton Valley production in this part of Red River County comes from two horizontal wells in Lennox Field. Brooks Petroleum is based in Tyler, Texas.