Comstock Cotton Valley completion: 3.3 Mmcfpd from Hico-Knowles

Drilling Activity Details


United States

Post Date
Well Name
#3-ALT Wright
Geo Coordinate

Drilling Activity Summary


A Cotton Valley sand venture has been completed in Hico-Knowles Field in North Louisiana's Lincoln Parish by Comstock Resources Inc. The #3-ALT Wright was tested flowing 3.3 million cu. ft. of gas, 40 bbl. of condensate and 150 bbl. of water daily from perforations at 10,108-11,169 ft. Flowing casing pressure is 2,250 psi on a 15/64-in. choke. The well was drilled to a total depth of 11,395 ft. in Section 13-19n-4w. Comstock is based in Frisco, Texas.