Coring and Logging Results From FX Energy In Poland

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FX Energy of London reported coring and logging results from #3K-Kormoze in Poland. The tests show 36 meters of gas-saturated Rotliegend sandstone with porosity of up to 22.4%. In the most highly gas-saturated zone the average porosity is 20%. PGNiG, the operator and 51% owner of the well, will run a full production test to determine flow rates and reserves. FX Energy also updated the status of the following projects in Poland. FX is drilling #2-Kutno and is expected to reach total depth (6,450 meters) before the end of 2012. Other well plans include #1-Frankowo on the Block 246 concession, #2-Plawce and #3- Tuchola on the Edge concession and #2-Lisewo on the Fences concession.