Cotton Valley Discovery Flows 11.3 Mmcfpd for Encana

Drilling Activity Details


United States

Post Date
Well Name
#1 Viola Sims Unit
Geo Coordinate

Drilling Activity Summary


A new Cotton Valley discovery was reported by Calgary-based Encana Corp. in Robertson County (RRC Dist. 5), Texas. The #1 Viola Sims Unit flowed 11.3 million cu. ft. of gas and 816 bbl. of water per day through a fracture-treated Cotton Valley zone at 14,946-16,634 ft. The directional discovery was drilled to 16,831 ft., 16,562 ft. true vertical, on a 207-acre lease in Francisco Ruiz Survey, A-41. Encana's new well is the deepest producer in this part of Robertson County. Site log tops include Austin Chalk, 5,494 ft.; Bexar shale, 9,077 ft.; and Travis Peak, 9,692 ft.