Des Moines Granite Wash Completion In Washita County, Okla.
Drilling Activity Details
United States
Post Date
Well Name
#1-34HB Belter Trust
Geo Coordinate
Drilling Activity Summary
A Des Moines Granite Wash completion initially flowed 7.32 MMcf of gas, 1.174 Mbbl of 60-degree-gravity condensate and 187 bbl of water per day. The EnerVest Operating LLC well, #1-34HB Belter Trust, is in Section 34-11n-18w of Washita County, Okla. It was tested on a 33/64-in. choke and production is from an acidized and fracture-stimulated interval at 12,809-17,400 ft. It was drilled to the south to 17,597 ft and the true vertical depth is 12,718 ft. Enervest's headquarters are in Houston.
A Des Moines Granite Wash completion initially flowed 7.32 MMcf of gas, 1.174 Mbbl of 60-degree-gravity condensate and 187 bbl of water per day. The EnerVest Operating LLC well, #1-34HB Belter Trust, is in Section 34-11n-18w of Washita County, Okla. It was tested on a 33/64-in. choke and production is from an acidized and fracture-stimulated interval at 12,809-17,400 ft. It was drilled to the south to 17,597 ft and the true vertical depth is 12,718 ft. Enervest's headquarters are in Houston.