Lewis Producer Announced by Crowheart Energy in Sweetwater County, Wyo.
Drilling Activity Details
United States
Drilling Activity Summary
A Sweetwater County, Wyo., Lewis producer was announced by Crowheart Energy LLC. The #10-22-94 1LH Siberia Ridge initially flowed 245 bbl of 45-degree-gravity oil, 2.214 MMcf of gas and 1,198 bbl of water daily. The Siberia Ridge Field well was drilled to 15,946 ft, 10,883 ft true vertical, and is in Section 10-22n-94w. Production is from perforations at 11,532-15,841 ft. Gauged on a 21/64-in. choke, the shut-in tubing pressure was 1,720 psi and the shut-in casing pressure was 2,180 psi. Crowheart’s headquarters are in Denver.