Mosbacher Energy Drilling 19,000-ft Cotton Valley Test

Drilling Activity Details


United States

Post Date
Well Name
#2 Plum Creek
Geo Coordinate

Drilling Activity Summary


A Covington County, Miss., Cotton Valley test is underway by Houston-based Mosbacher Energy Co. The #2 Plum Creek is a 19,000-ft test that is being drilled in Section 19-8n-14w. A successful completion would extend Collins Field to the north. Within one mile to the south in the same section, the company tested a Collins Field well, #1 Plum Creek in late 2014, flowing 321 bbl of 47.1-degree-gravity oil per day from Cotton Valley at 17,864-86 ft. It was drilled to 18,705 ft. Mosbacher's nearby #4 Plum Creek in Section 20 is also expected to be drilled to a total depth of 19,000 ft.