New Cotton Valley Producer Flows 1.3 Mmcfpd.

Drilling Activity Details


United States

Post Date
Well Name
#1 Forestar
Geo Coordinate

Drilling Activity Summary


In Trinity County (RRC Dist. 3), Texas Houston independent Leor Energy Indigo LP completed a Cotton Valley producer that flowed 1.3 million cu. ft. of gas and 176 bbl. of water per day. The #1 Forestar was tested through perforations at 17,076-18,408 ft. on a 10/64-in. choke: the flowing casing pressure was 2,040 psi and the shut-in casing pressure was 11,415 psi. Drilled to 18,800 ft., 18,664 ft. true vertical, the well is on a 650.18-acre lease is in Lot 5 of the Ricardo Guadalupe Survey, A-34. There is no comparable production in the vicinity.