Pantheon Announces Results From North Slope Wildcat
Drilling Activity Details
United States
Drilling Activity Summary
Pantheon Resources announced results from a North Slope Alaska wildcat approximately 20 miles south of Deadhorse The #1 Alkaid recovered 80-100 bbl of 40-degree-gravity oil per day during a flow test and it is in Section 23-7n-13e of Umiat Meridian. The well was tested in a 6-ft perforated interval in its primary target, a Brookian zone of interest at about 8,100 ft. The Brookian zone of interest is estimated to have 400 ft of gross pay and 240 ft of net pay, according to the London-based company. The shallower West Sak secondary target horizon at about 5,450 ft encountered low salinity water, suggesting the horizon is non-commercial, and the decision was made not to test the other secondary target, Ugnu horizon. Pantheon has applied to the state of Alaska to suspend and 'freeze protect' the Alkaid well bore, preserving it as a future development well and producer. Future operations may involve re-entering the well and drilling a horizontal section through the oil zone. The Alkaid well was drilled by Great Bear Petroleum in 2015 to 8,595 ft, 8,485 ft true vertical.