San Leon Energy Results Announced from Carboniferous Basin Appraisal in Poland

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In Poland's Southwest Carboniferous Basin, San Leon Energy completed the drilling and initial evaluation of the #2-Siciny appraisal well in its Gora Concession. San Leon's stratigraphic test well reached its target depth of 3,520 meters and penetrated more than 1,000 meters of Carboniferous. More than 265 meters of continuous core were collected across three prospective intervals identified in the well. According to Oil and Gas International, a previously unseen fourth potential Carboniferous shale section and a fractured tight-gas sandstone were also encountered below 3,200 meters. Continuous gas shows (C1-C3) were found across the four prospective shale intervals and through the tight sandstone interval. San Leon is analyzing data from the site and additional operations could include pressure testing and vertical fracture stimulation across several intervals.