Southwestern Energy succeeds in same section: Fayetteville find flows 5 Mmcfpd.

Drilling Activity Details


Van Buren
United States

Post Date
Well Name
#4-23H14 Jacobs
Geo Coordinate

Drilling Activity Summary


Houston-based Southwestern Energy, drilled a development well that flowed 5.01 million cu. ft. per day during preliminary tests. The #4-23H14 Jacobs is about 12 miles southwest of Clinton, Ark. The well, in Section 23-10n-16w, Van Buren County, produces from a horizontal bore in Fayetteville shale that was projected northwestward to Section 14-10n-16w. Initial shut-in pressure was gauged at 963 psi. Two other Southwestern Energy horizontal wells completed in the same section in 2007 combined to produce 872 million cu. ft. of gas, including 36.3 million cu. ft. in August 2008.