Stolberg Cardium Completions Announced In Foothills Belt
Drilling Activity Details
Drilling Activity Summary
Manitok Energy Inc. announced results from Stolberg Cardium oil completions in Alberta at the southern end of the Stolberg trend in Canada's Foothills Belt. According to the Calgary-based company, #10 was initially swabbed at about 200 bbl. per day of light oil for 78 hours. Manitok shut-in #10 and drilled #11 from the same pad. Since early February, #10 has been free flowing oil to surface and producing approximately 400 bbl. per day of 45-degree-gravity API oil, with little or no associated gas. The #11 was swabbed at about 180 bbl. per day of light oil in mid-February and it has free-flowed oil since that time. In April, #11 averaged approximately 500 bbl. per day of 45-degree-gravity API oil, with little or no associated gas. Neither well intersected formation water. The #12 is in the northern extent of the Stolberg trend, offsetting the 1996 discovery well. After an unstimulated openhole completion, the well was swabbed back at highly variable rates of up to 450 bbl. per day of 42-degree-gravity oil with 100% oil cut and little associated gas. Manitok is currently evaluating the technical data to determine the next steps in putting the well on production. The well is one of the deeper wells in the Stolberg structural complex and it has now extended the oil-water contact significantly downward, suggesting an oil column at least 600 meters high.
Manitok Energy Inc. announced results from Stolberg Cardium oil completions in Alberta at the southern end of the Stolberg trend in Canada's Foothills Belt. According to the Calgary-based company, #10 was initially swabbed at about 200 bbl. per day of light oil for 78 hours. Manitok shut-in #10 and drilled #11 from the same pad. Since early February, #10 has been free flowing oil to surface and producing approximately 400 bbl. per day of 45-degree-gravity API oil, with little or no associated gas. The #11 was swabbed at about 180 bbl. per day of light oil in mid-February and it has free-flowed oil since that time. In April, #11 averaged approximately 500 bbl. per day of 45-degree-gravity API oil, with little or no associated gas. Neither well intersected formation water. The #12 is in the northern extent of the Stolberg trend, offsetting the 1996 discovery well. After an unstimulated openhole completion, the well was swabbed back at highly variable rates of up to 450 bbl. per day of 42-degree-gravity oil with 100% oil cut and little associated gas. Manitok is currently evaluating the technical data to determine the next steps in putting the well on production. The well is one of the deeper wells in the Stolberg structural complex and it has now extended the oil-water contact significantly downward, suggesting an oil column at least 600 meters high.