Storm Cat wildcat: Fayetteville shale test shows 851 Mcfpd

Drilling Activity Details


Van Buren
United States

Post Date
Well Name
#1-13H Kamalmaz
Geo Coordinate

Drilling Activity Summary


The #1-13H Kamalmaz was completed as a horizontal Fayetteville shale discovery in Arkansas' Van Buren County. Storm Cat Energy Corp., Denver, drilled the wildcat to total depth of 4,680 ft. in Section 13-11n-17w. The well had an initial potential of 851,000 cu. ft. of gas a day with flowing tubing pressure gauged at 78 psi. According to IHS Inc., Storm Cat also drilled #1-18H Vaughan another mile east-southeast, and is now undergoing production testing. Fayetteville shale recovery is more than eight miles southeast in Gravel Hill Field. There, #1-22-H Green Bay Packaging was tested flowing 3.02 million cu. ft. of gas a day. Since 2004, Gravel Hill Field has produced a total of 25.17 billion cu. ft. of gas from Fayetteville shale.