Tanos Drilling Cotton Valley Test In Upshur County, Texas

Drilling Activity Details


United States

Post Date
Shore Type
Well Name
#5H Stinchcomb
Geo Coordinate

Drilling Activity Summary


A Cotton Valley test is underway by Tyler, Texas-based Tanos Exploration II LLC in Upshur County (RRC Dist. 6), Texas. The #5H Stinchcomb is on a 347.6-acre Upshur County (RRC Dist. 6) lease in Marshall Mann Survey, A-302. The Willow Springs Field test is planned to bottom about one mile to the north in the same survey and the proposed true vertical depth is 11,010 ft. Offsetting the proposed bottomhole is #3 Stinchcomb, which was completed in 1995 flowing 1.9 MMcf of gas per day from Cotton Valley perforations at 10,988-11,150 ft. In recent months, output from the 11,300-ft Willow Springs Field well averages about 22 Mcf of gas per day.