Wildcat Permitted For Icewine Prospect in Alaska
Drilling Activity Details
United States
Drilling Activity Summary
88 Energy, has received a drilling permit for a North Slope wildcat. The #1 Charlie is planned for Section 21-4n-9e in Alaska’s Umiat Meridian and has a planned depth of 11,000 ft in Torok. The wildcat will be on state lease ADL 393380, located roughly 29 miles west of the Franklin Bluffs pad. In 2019, 88 Energy filed a Lease Plan of Operations with the division for a two-well exploratory program related to the company’s Icewine project—#1 Charlie in Section 13-4n-9e, and #1 Bravo in Section 24-4n-10e. Both ventures have planned depths of 11,000 ft and are targeting stacked conventional oil objectives within Seebee formation but neither well was ever permitted to drill. 88 Energy is based in Perth, Western Australia.
88 Energy, has received a drilling permit for a North Slope wildcat. The #1 Charlie is planned for Section 21-4n-9e in Alaska’s Umiat Meridian and has a planned depth of 11,000 ft in Torok. The wildcat will be on state lease ADL 393380, located roughly 29 miles west of the Franklin Bluffs pad. In 2019, 88 Energy filed a Lease Plan of Operations with the division for a two-well exploratory program related to the company’s Icewine project—#1 Charlie in Section 13-4n-9e, and #1 Bravo in Section 24-4n-10e. Both ventures have planned depths of 11,000 ft and are targeting stacked conventional oil objectives within Seebee formation but neither well was ever permitted to drill. 88 Energy is based in Perth, Western Australia.