Will-Drill for production: 1.2 Mmcfpd in Cotton Valley

Drilling Activity Details


United States

Post Date
Well Name
#1 Haynes 7
Geo Coordinate

Drilling Activity Summary


A Cotton Valley producer by Shreveport, La.-based Will-Drill Production Co. flowed 1.2 million cu. ft. of gas, 20 bbl. of 60-degree condensate and 157 bbl. of water per day through commingled zones of Hosston and Cotton Valley at 8,085-10,202 ft. The #1 Haynes 7 is located in Alabama Bend Field in Section 7-15n-9w, Bienville Parish, La. The well was tested on a 26/64-in. choke, flowing tubing pressure was gauged at 1,175 psi and drilled to a total depth of 10,540 ft. Log tops include Austin Chalk at 2,909 ft. and Cotton Valley at 9,657 ft.