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Enbridge Completes Acquisition of Questar Gas Co.
Enbridge Completes Acquisition of Questar Gas Co.
Consol Zeroes In On Natural Gas, Buying Marcellus Rights For $190 Million
Consol Zeroes In On Natural Gas, Buying Marcellus Rights For $190 Million
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New Financings
Launched program to buy up to $50 million of common units in Dominion Midstream Partners LP over the next…
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Energy Transition in Motion (Week of April 7, 2023): Advancing Projects, Investment
Here’s a look at some of this week’s renewable energy news, including a final investment decision on a $2.7 billion wind farm project offshore France.
Experts: Deep Decarbonization Requires Hydrogen Pipelines, Infrastructure
Industry leaders shared insight during a recent hydrogen conference on the need for hydrogen infrastructure to help reach decarbonization goals.
Court Vacates Dominion Atlantic Coast Pipeline Permit
The Fish and Wildlife Service did not follow the Endangered Species Act in its approval for the natural gas project, the appeals court said.