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EP Energy LLC


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2013-08-21 --

Cantera Acquires South Texas Assets From EP Energy

Cantera Acquires South Texas Assets From EP Energy

2100-10-01 $000.00

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2100-10-01 $000.00

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2100-10-01 $000.00

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2100-10-01 $000.00

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New Financings

Report Date Type Amount (MM) Description
2018-05-18 EP Energy LLC Debt $1,000.00

Priced an unregistered offering of $1,000 million aggregate principal amount of 7.75% senior secured…

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2018-05-17 EP Energy LLC Debt $1,000.00

EP Energy LLC intends to offer $1,000 million aggregate principal amount of its senior secured notes due…

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2017-11-20 EP Energy LLC Debt $1,200.00

EP Energy LLC said that it and its wholly-owned subsidiary, Everest Acquisition Finance Inc., have…

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2017-02-01 EP Energy LLC Debt $1,000.00

The wholly-owned subsidiary of EP Energy Corp. and its wholly-owned subsidiary Everest Acquisition…

Report Date Type Amount (MM) Description
2015-05-19 EP Energy LLC - 2015-05-19 Buyback $750.00

Wholly owned subsidiary of EP Energy Corp. opened a cash tender offer for any and all 6.875% senior notes…

Report Date Type Amount (MM) Description
Report Date Type Amount (MM) Description
2100-05-23 Transaction $888.88

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2100-05-23 Transaction $888.88

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2100-05-23 Transaction $888.88

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