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Kentucky USA Energy Inc.

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Report Date Amount (MM) Description
2009-09-24 $1.68



Report Date Amount (MM) Description
2009-09-24 $2.35



Report Date Amount (MM) Description
2008-10-17 --



2100-10-01 $000.00

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2100-10-01 $000.00

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2100-10-01 $000.00

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2100-10-01 $000.00

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New Financings

Report Date Type Amount (MM) Description
2009-02-26 Kentucky USA Energy Inc. - 2009-02-26 Debt $2.50

Received an additional tranche in a US$10-million funding from NSES 12 LLC, a funding vehicle of New…

2100-05-23 Transaction $888.88

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2100-05-23 Transaction $888.88

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2100-05-23 Transaction $888.88

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