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MRC Global Inc.

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Report Date Amount (MM) Description
2016-02-17 $48.00

Deals, Interest Stir Among Oilfield Service Companies

Deals, Interest Stir Among Oilfield Service Companies

Report Date Amount (MM) Description
2016-02-17 $48.00

Deals, Interest Stir Among Oilfield Service Companies

Deals, Interest Stir Among Oilfield Service Companies

Report Date Amount (MM) Description
2014-06-02 --

MRC Global Acquires Valve Distributor In Singapore

MRC Global Acquires Valve Distributor In Singapore

Report Date Amount (MM) Description
2013-01-03 --

MRC Buys Specialty

MRC Buys Specialty

Report Date Amount (MM) Description
2012-08-02 --

MRC Global To Take Over SandRidge’s Chaparral Supply Business

MRC Global To Take Over SandRidge’s Chaparral Supply Business

Report Date Amount (MM) Description
2100-10-01 $000.00

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2100-10-01 $000.00

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2100-10-01 $000.00

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2100-10-01 $000.00

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New Financings

Report Date Type Amount (MM) Description
2017-09-05 MRC Global Inc. Debt $800.00

Will amend existing asset based lending facility (ABL), extending its maturity to 2022 and resizing.…

Report Date Type Amount (MM) Description
2012-04-17 MRC Global Inc. - 2012-04-17 Equity $477.27

Closed its IPO of 22,727,273 shares of common stock at a price of $21 per share. Goldman, Sachs &amp…

2100-05-23 Transaction $888.88

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2100-05-23 Transaction $888.88

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2100-05-23 Transaction $888.88

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Instantly unlock over 15 years of A&D transactions and financing data.