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Hart Energy at 50: How We’ve Grown

Founded in 1973 with a Rockies-focused magazine and a directory, Hart Energy today is the go-to source of internationally recognized print, digital, in-person conference, mapping and databases of market intelligence for U.S. and global energy leaders.

DUG East: Data Dive: The Latest Activity Data in the Appalachian Basin

Rextag DataLink's Tyler Reitmeier dissects what infrastructure and drilling operations are ramping up in the Appalachia Basin.

ETCC 2022: Infrastructure: The Alt-Network

See what the data dictates as the platform infrastructure for Btu supply works its way into the market.

DUG Midcontinent 2022: Data Analytics: Snooping in the SCOOP, STACK, Merge & More

Where are new wells being drilled in Oklahoma? What is the commodity stream from these? Where’s the infrastructure?


IndustryVoice: Delivering Real-Time Energy Data At No Cost

Rextag’s unique Energy DataLink™ is poised to disrupt the energy industry for operators, analysts and business developers.