Siguler Guff
Siguler Guff is a multi-strategy private markets investment firm with more than $16 billion in assets under management as of December 2022. Headquartered in New York, Siguler Guff maintains offices in Boston, London, Mumbai, Sao Paulo, Shanghai, Tokyo, Seoul, Hong Kong, Houston, and West Palm Beach.
Headquarters Address
200 Park Avenue, 23rd Floor
New York, NY 10166
United States
www.sigulerguff.comMain Phone Number
Envana Paints a Bigger Methane Picture by Combining Existing Data with AI
Envana Software Solutions, a joint venture between Halliburton Co. and Siguler Guff, has been awarded a $4.2 million grant from the U.S. Department of Energy to advance its AI methane detection solution.
E&P Highlights: Dec. 4, 2023
Here’s a roundup of the latest E&P headlines including a number of field development project contract awards.