Macroeconomics Spotlight - OPEC, Oil Prices & America First: John England, Deloitte (2018)

This expert from Deloitte, John England, unpacks the geopolitics of today’s world. What are the impacts of recent shifts among the big producers and consumers on the global stage? How do exports reconcile with trade barriers? What commodity prices can Eagle Ford producers anticipate?

Maritime Spotlight - State of the Ports: Brian Hill, U.S. Department of Transportation (2018)

The Western Gulf Gateway oversees all the ports, waterways, and intermodal connections and corridors in Texas, Oklahoma, Colorado and New Mexico. Here’s an update from its director, Brian Hill, on projects underway along the Gulf Coast and beyond, infrastructure needs and the way ahead.

Minerals Spotlight - A Blockbuster Deal: Daniel Herz, Falcon Minerals (2018)

Earlier this year, Osprey Energy agreed to acquire Blackstone Energy Partners’ entire portfolio of mineral interests in the Eagle Ford for roughly $800 million in cash and stock. Following the completion of their acquisition in August, Osprey renamed the company Falcon Minerals. Falcon is the first public minerals company with oil-weighted assets concentrated in the core-of-the-core Eagle Ford. Falcon’s CEO Daniel Herz discusses why now and why the Eagle Ford.

Opening Keynote - South Texas Beckons: Stephen Chazen, Magnolia Oil & Gas Corp. (2018)

This veteran operator picked the Eagle Ford and Austin Chalk for his new E&P, Magnolia Oil & Gas Corp., making a platform-building $2.66 billion acquisition from EnerVest Ltd. Hear why the asset-searchlight of Stephen Chazen zeroed in on South Texas and about its plans going forward.

Operator Panel - Eagle Ford Gas: John Thaeler, Vitruvian Exploration; Gleeson Van Riet, SilverBow Resources (2018)

Drilling in the liquids window of the Eagle Ford dominates South Texas headlines, yet wells in the gas fairway of the basin have been delivering outstanding results. These producers Vitruvian Exploration and SilverBow Resources share their results in this exciting and emerging play as they successfully extend the core of the basin.

Operator Spotlight - Enjoying That LLS-Based Pricing: Russell Parker, EP Energy (2018)

Under new leadership, EP Energy acquired further Eagle Ford acreage in February and launched its EOR pilot project in the play with the first natural gas injection cycle in April. Learn more from EP Energy's president and CEO, Russell Parker, on how the company has increased drilling and production in the play since last year.

Special Address - The Energy Port Of The Americas: Sean Strawbridge, Port Of Corpus Christi (2018)

The Port of Corpus Christi is playing a huge role in the rapidly growing business of exporting crude oil. Here are its expansion plans, including deepening the channel to accommodate the world's largest oil tankers, from Port CEO Sean Strawbridge.

Spotlight - Generating Growth In The Eagle Ford: Eric McCrady, Sundance Energy (2018)

Recent initial well results are robust, production declines are shallowing, and logistics are manageable. And Eagle Ford natural gas could be due for a comeback. What's not to like about South Texas? Here's a look at Sundance Energy's growth strategy from its CEO, Eric McCrady, and a broader take on the potential of the entire play.

Spotlight - Outperforming The Type Curve: Todd Abbott, Marathon Oil (2018)

This major Eagle Ford operator remains committed to the play. Marathon Oil's Eagle Ford activity generated free cash flow in 2017 and it plans a robust program this year. Follow its progress in boosting EURs, reducing drilling and completion costs and reaching markets in this presentation from Todd Abbott, who is responsible for the company's Permian Basin and Eagle Ford businesses.

Texas Midstream: Opportunities And Challenges

The East Coast businessman was on his first-ever trip out to Houston and Texas. Standing at the window of a major gas transmission system’s high-rise headquarters, he surveyed the thick urban forest that stretched out to the horizon 20 stories below. The Bayou City nestled down in its green carpet like ladybugs in a parsley bed.