It is August in Houston. Between the afternoon deluges and the unbearable heat, it is hard to get motivated for a ripping column. Besides, I might have to abandon my laptop at any minute to dodge one of the extraordinary hurricanes this summer has thus far spawned.

More to the point though, I have designed a little quiz. A lot of you, like me, possess a treasure trove (or waste heap) of worthless, but none the less interesting, information about our business. Along the way, you will have noticed that, every few years, most traditional oilfield companies, by design or due to M&A activity, end up with non-oilfield components. Some of them are quite interesting, some not so, and some so diametrically opposed to this industry as to raise eyebrows. Below, on the left, is a list of old-line oilfield companies. To the right of them is a list of non-oilfield products or product lines. The quiz is simple - match the company to its non-traditional product by placing the product identification letter in the blank next to the company name. Please note that some of the companies and/or relationships no longer exist, but most should be within memory's reach.

1. FMC A. Fertilizer
2. MI Drilling Fluids B. Nanotechnology
3. Halliburton C. Online electronics store
4. Norsk Hydro D. Holiday Inn hotels
5. Schlumberger E. An airline
6. Elf Petroleum F. Food processing
7. Gulf Oil Corp. G. Luggage
8. Aker Kværner H. Parking meters
9. Oceaneering I. Pharmaceuticals
10. BP J. Perfume
11. Mærsk K. Kitty litter
12. Chevron L. Tools for the NASA shuttles

The answers to the questions are below. Score this much as you would any other test of this type. Each right answer counts one point.

Now, here is the crucial point. If you score below six points you have probably been doing your job rather than indulging in idle factoid collecting. This won't do. Please remove yourself to the company water cooler with all speed and dally there until you have accumulated a good collection of useless facts.
If you score six to nine points, research indicates you are on the right track and may soon be the envy of sub-sixer's. But, have pity, retire to the water cooler, and share your cache.

If you scored a perfect 12, you are a god amongst men. Delight and enthrall crowds far and wide, bask in your glory and rest assured your reward will come.
For the correct answers, see below.