I have often complained in these pages about the emerging personnel crisis in our industry. I have also urged that companies begin addressing the situation. Well, one, at least, has. I am not sure that this novel incentive program could, or should be duplicated, but it is a world-beater in many respects.

The program was announced a couple of weeks ago by ATP Oil & Gas Corporation, a development and production company with natural gas and oil interests in the Gulf of Mexico and the North Sea. Basically, the incentive program is this: hit the reserves replacement and production targets and each employee - each employee - gets a 2006 Volvo S60.

Now, the targets are ambitious. What ATP management calls for is the completion of a number of projects in the North Sea and Gulf of Mexico shelf and the acquisition of reserves to replace production by 200% and the achievement, despite well declines, of a 2005 overall company production "exit rate" of 160 MMcfe/d (approximately double 2004 production). To add to the pot, if measurable group goals of the US company and its North Sea subsidiaries are met, ATP will enable each US employee to accept delivery of his or her vehicle in Sweden under the Volvo Overseas Delivery Plan. The company employs 48 people across its US and North Sea operations. "Nothing would make me happier, as the company's largest shareholder, than for the objectives to be reached and our employees to each earn a Volvo," said ATP Chairman and President T. Paul Bulmahn.

Now I would call that a bold incentive program whose principal merit is that it includes every employee. Of course the company benefits also but that is to be expected. All in all, it is an interesting plan that probably could not be duplicated many places.

One thing, though - if they make it I am guessing there will be more than a little confusion in the parking lot at quitting time.

As the New Year begins, we, at Hart, have made new plans and commitments. One of the most ambitious is the implementation, in the first quarter, of a complete set of exploration, drilling, production and offshore records online at eandpnet.com. The system will work in the following manner. The initial set of world records from our annual Drilling and Production Yearbook will be posted, by category, on the Web site. New records may be nominated at any time by filling in a form resident on the site. A new record nomination form will be posted on the Web for each entry. The nomination will remain on the nomination list for 60 days. If unchallenged during the 60-day period, the nomination will be accepted as an official record and moved into the records list. Record nominations and challenges will be accepted only with documentation outlined in the nomination and challenge forms on the Web site. Contested records will be settled, based on documentation, by an impartial committee.

All records must be submitted in measurable, internationally recognized units. These will be outlined on the site.

The benefits include a transparent records system and one that is current. And, as new record categories develop, they will be added to the online records list, making the list a measure of progress in technology.
We hope you will find value in the Hart online world records. As always, comments are welcome.