Jennifer Pallanich, senior technology editor, Hart Energy: The industry collects vast amounts of data, but sometimes it's hard to get a grip on how to manage that data.

Sathiya Namasivayam, vice president of data and analytics, TGS: Seismic data is a vast amount of data in petabyte scales of data. So if they store that data in the cloud, it costs a lot of money for the operators. TGS data verse is a cloud native data management as a service and it helps clients to manage the data efficiently and they don't need to worry about the cloud native part of it so that they can easily access the data fast and efficient and it saves cost.

JP: What historically has made it difficult for the users to access the data? In other words, why does the industry need this?

SN: Yeah, so the client needs it because the seismic data is in SEG-Y format and it is stored, binary data is stored in that format and it's not very easily accessible. So when client wants to use it in the cloud, they have to get the data, store it, and every time they need to index it to access the data. And also these days, a lot of clients are using AI [and] ML. For AI, ML purposes, you need to index the data more efficiently so that they can go to specific in lines, cross lines or depth.

JP: What's next?

SN: What we are planning to do is now we have all our post stack seismic data on the cloud. Now we are getting into the pre-stack data, which is more large amount of data, and also we are working on streaming that data to the cloud.