How E&Ps are Closing Deals with New Shale Well Inventory Tools

11:00 AM CST
Duration: 60 minutes

Learn how dynamic shale operators and investors gain a competitive advantage by harnessing map-based tools. Streamline your work to optimize operational efficiency, expedite decision-making and drive project success. Discover how this approach has been proven to play a pivotal role in securing successful ‘bolt-on’ acquisitions, growing revenues and expanding company portfolios.

Hear why E&Ps have said “This has been a game-changer for us - the efficiency gains, time savings, and better-informed decision-making have had a significant impact on our projects.”

During this webinar on November 9, 2023 at 11:00 AM CST, attendees will:

  • Learn how your competitors model thousands of project well sticks, reducing tasks that previously took 3 hours to under 30 minutes - a c. 6x time reduction.
  • Visualize 3D well data in easy-to-create gun-barrel diagrams to better understand your operational conditions.
  • Create consistent well spacing analyses using intuitive tools and stop measuring spacing manually.
  • Rapidly identify parent-child well relationships using spatial and temporal data.


Rich Webb, Senior Geoscientist, Exprodat

  • Rich is a geoscientist & geospatial professional with 12 years industry experience, having graduated from Royal Holloway University of London with an MSc in Petroleum Geoscience. Rich previously worked for international oil & gas operators and private equity backed explorers before transitioning to geospatial focussed oil and gas business challenges.

Chris Jepps, COO, Exprodat

  • Chris has more than 30 years energy sector experience. After studying geology at Imperial College, Chris joined Shell, working in its UKCS exploration asset teams. After Shell, Chris spent 3 years at Landmark Graphics honing his sub-surface interpretation and geoscience skills. In 2000, Chris joined Exprodat, the oil and gas GIS experts, where he worked on a variety of mapping related energy projects, and is now COO.

This webinar is hosted in partnership with Exprodat.

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