Visibility and Engagement Onsite and Beyond

When you sponsor a conference with Hart Energy, your brand is visible to more than those in attendance. We leverage our entire multi-channel network to promote your brand alongside our content before, during, and after each event. Reach this highly targeted audience to drive awareness, interest and engagement.

The Industry’s Comprehensive Resource for Content, Data and Analysis

Hart Energy has produced informative, impactful and innovative energy conferences since 2006 with more than 1,800 executive-level speakers and over 200,000 attendees. These conferences have expanded far beyond the event site. Sponsorship packages include multi-channel digital campaigns for your brand to reach hundreds of thousands throughout our networks before, during, and after each event.

visibility and engagement

Industry Leading Speakers

  • Present data, insight, and forecasts covering technology, financing, exploration, drilling, production, and delivery

  • Discuss opportunities, solutions and challenges facing the industry


  • Network with speakers who provide answers and actionable intel 

  • Gain access to top executives from the companies leading, financing, and tracking the North American shale revolution and other major industry trends


  • Gain access to senior level management and executives in a relaxed, social environment

  • Every package receives brand recognition through Hart Energy's multi-channel network before, during, and after each event

A&D Strategies & Opportunities 2023 Audience Breakdown:

A&D company type
job function graphic

Become a Sponsor

Take a look at some of your options in the 2024 A&D Strategies & Opportunities Conference sponsorship brochure. Then, let us work with you to create a customized package that makes sense for your company.

To get started or find out more, please download the brochure below and a representative from our team will be in touch.

2024 multi conference sponsorship brochure

For more information, contact your sales representative:

Darrin West
Vice President Sales