Antero Resources Corp. has been issued permits for three Shiloh-Wick Field-Marcellus Shale ventures in Tyler County, W.Va. The permitted wells will be drilled from a drillpad on a 317-acre lease in Centerville District, Middlebourne 7.5 Quad. The Heintzman Unit 1H well has a planned depth of 17,800 ft and will be drilled to the south. The Heintzman Unit 2H well has a planned depth of 17,500 ft and will be drilled to the southeast. The Heintzman Unit 3H well has a planned depth of 17,400 ft and will be drilled to the east-southeast. Nearby production in the Shiloh-Wick Field is at an Antero Utica producer, Rymer Unit 4HD. It was completed in 2016 flowing 20 MMcf/d of gas.
Ascent Resources LLC has received permits for four Utica Shale-Colerain Field wells in Jefferson County, Ohio. The wells will be drilled from a drillpad in Section 34, Mount Pleasant Township. The Ruth E MTP 2H well has a planned depth of 22,000 ft, and the Ruth E MTP 4H well has a planned depth of 22,000 ft. The Ruth E MTP 6H well has a planned depth of 22,500 ft, and the Ruth E MTP 8H well has a planned depth of 23,000 ft.
Ascent Resources LLC is underway at two Jewett Consolidated Field wells in Jefferson County, Ohio. The Utica Shell wells are on a 378-acre lease in Section 18-8n 3w. The Geno E SMF JF 5H well has a planned depth of 24,300 ft and will be drilled to the northwest. The offsetting Geno W SMF JF 1H well has a planned depth of 26,000 ft, and it will be drilled to the north. Nearby production is at an American Energy Partners completion in Section 27 in the Dillonvale 7.5 Quad at the Smithfi eld A 1H-27 well. The Smithfi eld pad discovery was drilled to 18,525 ft (9,631 ft true vertical depth), and it was tested flowing 18.1 MMcf/d of gas.
Southwestern Energy Co. has received permits to drill two Marcellus Shale tests from a drillpad in Ohio County, W.Va. The Roy Riggle OHI 6H well has a projected depth of 12,429 ft and a projected true vertical depth of 6,542 ft. It will be drilled to the northeast. The offsetting Roy Riggle OHI 206H well has a planned depth of 15,325 ft and a planned true vertical depth of 6,519 ft. It will be drilled to the southeast. The company also has received permits to drill Marcellus ventures in nearby Brooke County, W.Va., at the Worthley Brk 1H, Worthley 201H, Worthley Brk 210H and Worthley Brk 5H wells.
Two Eagle Ford discoveries were announced by Freedom Production Inc. in the Dimmit County (RRC Dist. 1), Texas, portion of Briscoe Ranch Field. The Hovencamp Unit 1H well flowed 602 bbl of 45-degree-gravity crude, 2.022 MMcf of gas and 311 bbl of water per day through acidand fracture-treated perforations at 6,633 ft to 13,809 ft. During testing on a 34/64-in. choke, the flowing tubing pressure was 395 psi. The horizontal producer was drilled to 13,957 ft (6,719 ft true vertical depth). The offsetting Hovencamp Unit 2H well produced 503 bbl of 43-degree-gravity crude, 1.41 MMcf of gas and 366 bbl of water per day. The 13,986-ft well has a true vertical depth of 6,699 ft, and production is from an acid- and fracture-treated zone at 6,655 ft to 13,835 ft. Gauged on a 34/64-in. choke, the flowing tubing pressure was 428 psi. The wells are on a 240.6-acre Southwest Texas lease in Section 20 in Block 1 in the H&GN RR Co Survey, A-1007. The parallel lateral wells bottomed about 1.5 miles to the southeast in Section 21 in Block 1 in the H&GN RR Co Survey, A-127.
Killam Oil Co. has tested a Wilcox gas well in Webb County (RRC Dist. 4), Texas. The Ortiz Ranch E 1 well flowed 1.294 MMcf of gas, 60 bbl of 42.7-degree-gravity crude and 198 bbl of water per day from Lobo (Wilcox) at 6,658 ft to 6,772 ft. The Umbrella North Field well is on a 40-acre South Texas lease in Section 23 in the Leonardo Sanches Survey, A-283. Gauged on a 48/64-in. choke, the flowing tubing pressure was 1,415 psi and the shut-in tubing pressure was 2,415 psi.
An Eagle Ford Shale well was announced by Lewis Petroleum Properties in Hawkville Field in La Salle County (RRC Dist. 1), Texas. The Cenizo 1H well flowed 6.799 MMcf of gas and 874 bbl of water per day from fracture-treated perforations at 11,838 ft to 18,039 ft. An 11,950-ft vertical pilot hole was horizontally drilled to 18,220 ft, and the true vertical depth was 11,450 ft. It is on a 5,030-acre Southwest Texas lease in the Seale & Morris & Seale Survey, A-664, and it bottomed about 1 mile to the north in HE&WT RR Co Survey, A-1285. Gauged on a 20/64-in. choke, the flowing casing pressure was 4,680 psi and shut-in casing pressure was 6,641 psi.
EOG Resources Inc. has completed two extended-lateral oil wells in the Atascosa County (RRC Dist. 1), Texas, portion of Eagleville Field. The wells are on a 2,189-acre Southwest Texas lease in Section 100 ½ in the Antonio Manchaca Survey, A-558, and it bottomed within 1 mile to the southeast in Section 1323 in the James F. Pittman Survey, A-680. According to IHS Markit, the Strawberry A 1H well flowed 2,548 bbl of 36-degree-gravity crude, 727,000 cf of gas and 4,076 bbl of water per day from acid- and fracture-treated perforations at 9,997 ft to 23,032 ft. The well was drilled to 23,100 ft (9,874 ft true vertical depth). It was tested on a 46/64-in. choke with a flowing tubing pressure of 1,148 psi. The offsetting and parallel Strawberry B 2H well was tested flowing 2,640 bbl of 36-degree-gravity crude, 723,000 cf of gas and 3,126 bbl of water per day. Production is from acid- and fracture-treated perforations at 9,697 ft to 22,967 ft. The 23,034-ft well has a true vertical depth of 9,919 ft. Gauged on a 44/64-in. choke, the flowing tubing pressure was 1,232 psi.
Capitan Energy Inc. announced two horizontal Wolfcamp gas producers in the Delaware Basin in Culberson County (RRC Dist. 8), Texas. The Roxanne Fee 46 2H well flowed 5.501 MMcf of gas, 1,223 bbl of 49.8-degree-gravity condensate and 3,677 bbl of water per day. Production is from acid- and fracture-stimulated perforations at 9,745 ft to 14,286 ft. It is in Section 46 in Block 58 T2S in the T&P RR Co Survey, A-2362. The horizontal Ford West Field producer bottomed about 1 mile to the south at 14,502 ft (9,498 ft true vertical depth). Tested on a 36/64-in. choke, the flowing tubing pressure was 2,100 psi and was drilled about 3 miles to the southwest. The James Fee 6 2H well is in Section 5 in Block 112 in the PSL Survey, A-1573. It initially produced 4.869 MMcf of gas, 993 bbl of 49.7-degree-gravity condensate and 4,869 bbl of water per day. Production is from fracture-treated perforations at 9,775 ft to 17,875 ft. Drilled to 18,098 ft, the true vertical depth is 9,353 ft with a 1.5-mile lateral that bottomed to the north. Tested on a 42/64-in. choke, the flowing tubing pressure was 1,300 psi.
A horizontal Devonian gas discovery in Pecos County (RRC Dist. 8), Texas, is producing 8.307 MMcf of gas and 700 bbl of water per day. Teakwood Operating LLC’s Alpine High Field venture, Texas American Syndicate 6 1H, is in the southern portion of the Delaware Basin. It is in Section 6 in Block 122 in the T&STL RR Co Survey, A-9142, and it was drilled to 20,630 ft (13,337 ft true vertical deoth). It bottomed within 2 miles to the northeast in Section 5. Production is from acidand fracture-treated perforations at 17,345 ft to 20,452 ft. Gauged on a 1-in. choke, the flowing tubing pressure was 262 psi and the shut-in tubing pressure was 2,250 psi.
Novo Oil & Gas Texas LLC completed a horizontal Mississippian oil discovery in Ector County (RRC Dist. 7C), Texas. The Cowden 601H well produced 402 bbl of 43-degree-gravity crude, 302,000 cf of gas and 1,693 bbl of water per day from acid- and fracture-treated perforations at 10,890 ft to 15,109 ft. The wildcat was drilled to 15,550 ft and is in Section 6 in Block 43 T2S in the T&P RR Co Survey, A-584. A lateral well was drilled about 1 mile to the southeast to a true vertical depth of 10,667 ft. It was tested on a 25/64-in. choke, and the flowing tubing pressure was 525 psi.
Jones Energy Inc. completed a western Anadarko Basin horizontal well in Ochiltree County (RRC Dist. 10), Texas. The Malinda 745 2H well is in Section 664 in Block 43 in the H&TC Survey, A-601. It is producing from a fracture-stimulated, openhole zone in Marmaton at 7,797 ft to 12,757 ft. The well was tested flowing 501 bbl of 38-degree-gravity oil, 826,000 cf of gas and 1,152 bbl of water per day. Tested on a 64/64-in. choke, the shut-in tubing pressure was 625 psi and the flowing tubing pressure was 321 psi. The true vertical depth is 7,181 ft, and it bottomed 1 mile to the north in Section 745, A-244.
Continental Resources Inc. completed an Anadarko Basin-Meramec producer that flowed 32.8 MMcf of gas with 2,691 bbl of water per day and no reported condensate. According to IHS Markit, the discovery, 2-30-19XH Heckenberg, was drilled across two sections in Blaine County, Okla. It is in Section 30-13n-13w and was drilled to the north to 25,478 ft (14,871 ft true vertical depth). Tested on a 38/64-in. choke, the shut-in tubing pressure was 7,085 psi and the flowing tubing pressure was 5,835 psi. Production at the Stack play well is from acidized and fractured perforations between 15,338 ft and 25,284 ft.
Chesapeake Operating Inc. completed three long-reach horizontal Oswego producers from a pad in Section 12-17n-7w of Kingfisher County, Okla. The GM 12-17-7 1HC well pumped 904 bbl of 43-degree-gravity oil, 926,000 cf of gas and 999 bbl of water per day. Production is from acidized and fractured perforations at 7,071 ft to 17,064 ft. It was drilled 2 miles north across Section 1-17n-7w to 17,233 ft (6,600 ft true vertical depth), and it bottomed in Section 36-18n-7w. About 20 ft east on the Sooner Trend pad, the GM 12-17-7 2HC well flowed 700 bbl of oil, 745,000 cf of gas and 1,126 bbl of water per day. It was drilled to 17,130 ft (6,588 ft true vertical depth) in a parallel lateral and bottomed in Section 36-18n-7w. It was acidized and fractured at 7,002 ft to 16,964 ft. The GM 12-17-7 3HC well is producing 330 bbl of oil, 283,000 cf of gas and 457 bbl of water per day. Drilled to 17,459 ft (6,581 ft true vertical depth), it bottomed in Section 36-18n-7w. Production is from perforations between 7,147 ft and 17,293 ft.
In Kingfisher County, Okla., Chesapeake Operating Inc. completed an extended-reach horizontal Pennsylvanian producer that was tested pumping 1,606 bbl of 39-degree-gravity oil, 1.6 MMcf of gas and 1,218 bbl of water per day. The Oswego producer, States 15-18-6 4HC, is in Section 15-18n-6w. Production is from an acidized and fractured lateral at 6,775 ft to 16,657 ft. The well was drilled south to 16,735 ft (6,471 ft true vertical depth) and bottomed in Section 22-18n-6w. According to IHS Markit, the IP oil rate is the highest reported to date for the 127 horizontal Oswego producers in the county Rates for the other wells range from 2 bbl/d to 1,395 bbl/d with an average of 374 bbl/d.
XTO Energy Inc. has completed a horizontal Woodford producer in Love County, Okla. The Charles 1-23H14X well is in Section 23-7s-1e and was tested on a 26/64-in. choke flowing 1,123 bbl of 49-degree-gravity oil, 2.35 MMcf of gas and 3,473 bbl of water per day. Production is from a treated lateral at 15,225 ft to 24,654 ft. It was drilled to 24,817 ft (15,073 ft true vertical depth) and bottomed in Section 14-7s-1e.
IHS Markit announced that Unit Petroleum Co. recompleted a well in the Arkoma Basin’s Panola Field as a Lower Atoka producer. The Hawthorne 3 is in Section 4-5n-20e in Latimer County, Okla. It produced 995,000 cf of gas and 67 bbl of water per day, and it was tested on a 64/64- in. choke with 95 psi of flowing tubing pressure. Production is from perforations at 12,330 ft to 12,382 ft, and additional details are not currently available. The company originally completed the 13,380-ft well in January 2008 flowing 2.82 MMcf/d of gas from untreated perforations in Basal Atoka (Spiro) at 13,186 ft to 13,197 ft. In March 2008 it was perforated and fractured in Basal Atoka at 13,131 ft to 13,197 ft and flowed 10.5 MMcf/d of gas with no water.
EOG Resources Inc. completed three extended-reach horizontal Codell producers from a drillpad in the Denver-Julesburg Basin. The pad is in Section 26-14n-65w in Laramie County, Wyo., and all were tested on gas lift. The Big Sandy 542-2602H well initially flowed 1,231 bbl of oil, 901 Mcf of gas and 415 bbl of water per day. Production is from a horizontal Codell lateral well drilled to the southeast to 20,188 ft (8,620 ft true vertical depth) at a bottomhole location in Section 2-13n-65w. It was tested following 50-stage fracturing between 9,016 ft and 20,117 ft. The Big Sandy 543-2602H well produced 1,226 bbl of oil, 854 Mcf of gas and 498 bbl of water per day. It was tested after 53-stage fracturing between 9,223 ft and 20,989 ft in a Codell lateral well extending southeastward to 21,062 ft (8,614 ft true vertical depth) and bottomed in Section 2-13n-65w. The Big Sandy 544-2602H well initially flowed 1,018 bbl of oil, 730 Mcf of gas and 514 bbl of water per day. It was drilled southward to 19,796 ft and bottomed in 2-13n-65w at a true vertical depth of 8,629 ft. It was tested on a 64/64- in. choke following 48-stage fracturing between 9,074 ft and 19,725 ft.
According to IHS Markit, a Reunion Bay Field-Bakken discovery— the highest producing Bakken well to date—was announced by Marathon Oil Corp. The Whitebody-USA 14-23H well initially flowed 8,702 bbl of 41-degree-gravity oil, 10.023 MMcf of gas and 5,818 bbl of water per day. The extended-reach well is on the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation in Section 22-151-94w, McKenzie County, N.D. Production is from a horizontal Middle Bakken lateral extending from 11,017 ft eastward to 23,630 ft. It bottomed in Section 19-151n-93w under the Missouri River, and the true vertical depth is 10,706 ft. It was tested on a 64/64- in. choke following 57-stage fracturing between 11,114 ft and 23,499 ft with a flowing casing pressure of 2,150 psi.
Additional results were reported for a high-volume Middle Bakken well in McKenzie County, N.D., by Marathon Oil Corp. The Antelope Field completion, the Chauncey-USA 31-2H, is in Section 35-152n-94w and flowed 8,475 bbl of oil, 8.289 MMcf of gas and 4,492 bbl of water per day. Production is from a horizontal lateral well extending from 12,010 ft southeastward to 22,041 ft (10,711 ft true vertical depth) and bottomed in Section 11-151n-94w. It was tested on a 64/64-in. choke following 45-stage fracturing between 12,072 ft and 21,886 ft.
Marathon Oil Corp. announced results for two Three Forks wells in Bailey Field in Dunn County, N.D. The Olea 24-11TFH well flowed 6,573 bbl of 40-degree-gravity oil with 4.461 MMcf of gas and 8,491 bbl of water per day. Production is from a lateral well extending from 11,123 ft northward to 21,195 ft, and it bottomed in Section 2-146n-94w with a true vertical depth of 10,795 ft. It was tested on a 1-in. choke following 45-stage fracturing between 11,172 ft and 21,065 ft with a flowing casing pressure of 1,400 psi. From the same drillpad, the Sundby 24-11TFH well flowed 5,694 bbl of oil, 6.869 MMcf of gas and 6,497 bbl of water per day. Production is from a lateral well extending from 11,151 ft northward to 21,315 ft (10,793 ft true vertical depth) and bottomed in Section 2-146n-94w. Gauged on a 1-in. choke, after 45-stage fracturing between 11,200 ft and 21,180 ft, the flowing casing pressure was 1,800 psi.
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