Atlantic Shores, a joint venture of Shell and EDF Renewables, has submitted a proposal into New Jersey’s fourth offshore wind solicitation offering to generate more than 2.8 GW of electricity.

The company would become the initial provider of offshore wind for the state, which intends to have 11 GW of offshore wind installed by 2040.

The two-part offshore wind project, known as Atlantic Shores 1 and Atlantic Shores 2, is expected to generate enough electricity to serve more than 1 million homes, the company said July 10 in a news release. The U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management has already approved construction of up to 195 wind turbine generators for the projects. Developers say they anticipate having all required federal and state approvals by the end of this year.

“New Jersey is ready for offshore wind renewable power, and so is Atlantic Shores," said Atlantic Shores Offshore Wiind CEO Joris Veldhoven. “Our proposal serves to expand and enhance existing strategic partnerships while growing our portfolio of economic development initiatives across the Garden State.”