3Tec Energy Inc. 117 A.G. Edwards & Sons 16, 27 A2D Technologies 32 Abraxas Petroleum Corp. 123 Actrade Capital Inc. 115 Agip 107 Alberta Energy Co. Ltd. 30 Albrecht & Associates 92 Allegro Development 20 AltaQuest Energy Corp. 124 Altura Energy 15, 36, 38, 45, 84 Amerada Hess 77, 86, 106, 107, 127 American Energy Services Inc. 124 American International Petroleum Corp. 115, 124 Amoco Production Co. 111 Anadarko Energy Services 27 Anadarko Petroleum Corp. 18, 36, 84 Apache Corp. 45, 54, 84, 118 Applied Terravision Systems 49 Arco Oil and Gas 15, 36, 84, 119 Ariba Inc. 71 Arthur Andersen & Co. 9 Ascot Energy Resources Ltd. 112 Atlantic Richfield Co. 15, 84, 119 Aurora Gas LLC 124 Aurora Power Resources Inc. 124 Aventura Energy Inc. 112 Aviva America Inc. 123 Aviva Petroleum Inc. 123 Azure Capital Management 30 Azure Energy Fund Inc. 30 Baker Atlas 121 Baker Hughes Inc. 118, 119 Banc of America Securities 53, 111, 112 Bank of America 111, 115, 125 Bank One 111 Basic Energy Services Inc. 118 Basin Exploration 11 Basin Exploration 101 Bear, Stearns & Co. Inc. 112 Belco Oil & Gas Corp. 23, 57, 78, 115 Berkley Petroleum Corp. 104 BHP Petroleum 61, 62 Blue Flame Energy Corp. 99 Bluebird Energy Inc. 120 BNG Production & Drilling Inc. 98 BP 9, 15, 36, 84, 86, 107 British-Borneo Oil & Gas for 84 Burlington Resources 53, 54, 77, 117 Cabot Oil & Gas Corp. 100 Cal Dive International Inc. 101, 112 Calahoo Petroleum 84 Cambria Europe 107 Camwest Exploration LLC 105 Canadian Abraxas Petroleum Ltd. 123 Canadian Natural Resources 84 Canadian Occidental Petroleum 101 CanArgo Energy Corp. 123, 127 Carbon Energy Corp. 30 Carl H. Pforzheimer & Co. 34 Carrizo Oil & Gas Inc. 124 Castle Energy Corp. 125 Cawley Gillespie 117 CE Franklin 117 Cenco Inc. 100 Chain Energy Corp. 124 Chase Bank of Texas 111 Chase Manhattan Bank 115 Chevron 36, 84, 69, 71, 105 Chieftain International 53, 56, 101 Chiles Offshore LLC. 118 China National Offshore Oil 107 Choctaw II Oil & Gas Ltd. 104, 120 CIBC World Markets 53 Clayton Williams Energy Inc. 124 CMS Oil & Gas Co. 47, 127 Coastal Corp. 83 Coastal Oil & Gas Corp. 100 Cody Texas LP 120 Collicutt Hanover Services 111, 124 Collins & Ware Inc. 45, 84 Columbia Natural Resources 98, 99 Columbus Energy Corp. 104 Comanche Energy Inc. 100, 120 Compton Petroleum Corp. 123 Computer Control Systems Overpar 124 Comstock Resources 57 Concho Resources Inc. 46 Conoco Inc. 36, 62, 115, 127 Consolidated Natural Gas Co. 83 Cornerstone Ventures 32 Cornerstone Ventures 15 Cortez Oil & Gas 68 Cosco Capital Management LLC 84 Credit Lyonnais 111 Credit Lyonnais Inside back cover Credit Suisse First Boston 111, 117 Credit Suisse First Boston 80 Crestar Energy Inc. 127 Cross Timbers Oil Co. 23, 54 Cross Timbers Oil Co. 25 Cross Timbers Operating Co. 102 Crosspoint Venture Partners 71 CXY Energy Offshore Inc. 101 Cypress Energy Inc. 30 Dain Rauscher Wessels 4 Dain Rauscher Wessels 8, 18, 53, 111, 112 Danish Oil & Natural Gas 106 Daugherty Resources Inc. 98 DDD Energy Inc. 104 Delta Petroleum Corp. 120 Denbury Resources 53, 57 Deutsche Bank 115 Devon Energy 36, 84 Devon Energy Corp. 109 Don Yohe Enterprises Inc. 98 Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette 18, 111 Dresser Rand 125 Dynegy Corp. 72 Eagle Geophysical 122 Eagle Geophysical 125 Eastern States Oil & Gas Inc. 98 Edge Petroleum Corp. 119 El Paso Energy Corp. 83 El Paso Energy International 106, 127 Empire Energy Corp. 99 Encal Energy 124 EnCap Investments LLC 119 Encore Acquisition Partners 78 EnerCom Inc. 108 Energy Partners Ltd. 117 Energy Spectrum Advisors Inc. 125 EnergyNet.com Inc. 18 EnergyNet.com Inc. 127 eNersection 125 EnerVest Management Partners 86 ENI SpA 84 Enogex Inc. 119 Enre Corp. 104 Enron North America Corp. 22 Enron North America Corp. 101 Enterprise Oil Plc 106, 118 EOG Resources Inc. 103, 124 eOilfield.com 127 Equitable Production (Gulf) Co. 111 Equitable Resources Inc. 111 ERI Investments Inc. 111 Ernst & Young 124 Ernst & Young 91 EuroGas Inc. 107 Evercore Capital Partners 117 Evergreen Resources 21 Exxon Mobil 34, 36, 86, 106, 107 Falcon Creek Resources Inc. 120 First Albany Corp. 9 First Associates Investments Inc. 112 First Energy Capital Corp. 111 First Permian LLC 119 First Union 59 Fleet Boston Bank 10 Fleet Boston Corp. 115 Flowserve Corp. 125 Forcenergy 55, 105 Forest Oil 14 Forest Oil 53, 55 Fortay Inc. 102 Frontera Resources Corp. 119 Frontier Petroleum Services 118 FX Energy Inc. 115 FX Energy Inc. 107 G.K. Baum 125 GCA Strategic Investment Fund 115 General Atlantic Energy Co. 111 Genesis Exploration Ltd. 30 Gentry Resources Ltd. 112 Geo Search 98 GeoNet Services.Com Inc. 19 George R. Brown Partnership 103 Georgian Bancorp Inc. 123 GHK Co. LLC 102 Global Marine 63 Goepel McDermid Inc. 111 Goldman Sachs International 115 Goldman, Sachs & Co. 34 Grant Geophysical 32 Graves & Co. 14 Greentree Gas & Oil Ltd. 123 Greka Energy 21 Griffin & Griffin Exploration LLC 101 Gulf Canada Resources Ltd. 106 Gulf Production Corp. 105 GWiz Systems Inc. 95 GX Technology 76 Halliburton Co. 106, 117 Hallwood Energy Corp. 100 Hanover Compressor 125 Harken Energy Corp. 124 Harmony Software 71 Home-Stake Oil & Gas Co. 120 Houston Exploration. 56 Howard, Weil, Labouisse, Friedrichs Inc. 78, 117 HS Resources Inc. 100, 105 Humboldt Capital Corp. 30 Hurricane Hydrocarbons 95 Husky Oil Ltd. 30 HWC Energy Services Inc. 117 Hydril Co. 118 HYTK Industries Inc. 124 IHS Energy Group 78 Independent Production Co. Inc. 104 IndigoPool.com Inside front cover Industrial Holdings Inc. 124 ING Barings Bank 128 ING Barings 115 Ingersoll-Rand Co. 125 Intec Engineering 64 Ivanhoe Energy Inc. 104 iVita 13 J.M. Huber Corp. 98 Jefferies & Co. 90 JKX Oil & Gas 123 John S. Herold Inc. 27 John Wood Group Plc 64 Jones Energy Ltd. 102 Kerr McGee Corp. 111 Kerr-McGee Corp. 56, 84, 101, 106, 107, 118 Kerr-McGee Oil & Gas Corp. 101 Key Energy Services Inc. 111 Key Operating Co. 100 Kinder Morgan 42 KPMG Consulting LLC 71 Krescent Energy Co. LLC 120 Lakewood Operating Ltd. 102 Landmark Graphics 66 Lehman Brothers Corp. 110 Lehman Brothers Corp. 111 Lime Rock Partners 116 Lime Rock Partners 125 LKP Financial LLP 115 Lone Star Technologies Inc. 112 Louis Dreyfus Natural Gas 12 Louis Dreyfus Natural Gas 18, 55 Lukoil 107 Madison Energy Advisors Inc. 36, 85, 86 Magic Earth 119 Magnum Hunter Resources Inc. 18 Magnum Hunter Resources Inc. 120 Mansano Oil Corp. 103 Manti Operating Co. 101 Marathon Oil Co. 86, 102, 103, 124 Mariner Energy LLC 117 Marshall R. Young Oil Co. 103 Martin Capital Advisors LLP 119 McGowen Resources Co. Inc. 120, 124 McMoRan Exploration Co. 119 McMurry Oil Co. 104 Meagher Oil and Gas Properties Inc. 34 Meota Resources Corp. 123 Meridian Oil Inc. 77 Merril Lynch & Co. 35, 67 Merrill Lynch & Co. 117 Mitchell Energy & Development Corp. 124 Mobil 36 Montgomery Petroleum Inc. 124 Morgan Keegan 125 Murvin Oil Co. 98 Mustang Engineering 64 MW Petroleum 45 Nance Petroleum Corp. 104 National Iranian Oil Co. 107 NatWest Global Financial Markets 115 NetworkOil Outside back cover Newcrest Capital Inc. 111 Newfield Exploration. 55 Ninotsminda Oil Co. 123 NiSource Inc. 27 Norsk Hydro 84 Northrock Resources 84 Novistar 52 NRC LLC 99 Nuevo Energy 23, 53, 56 Nunaoil 106 Occidental Permian Ltd 38 Occidental Petroleum Corp. 15, 36, 84, 118 Ocean Energy Inc. 60 Ocean Energy Inc. 53, 54, 111 Ocelot International Ltd. 124 Offshore Data Services Inc. 125 OGE Energy Corp. 119 OHA General Partners. 124 Oil & Gas Asset Clearinghouse 127 Oil & Gas Journal Exchange 94 Oil States Industries 117 Oil States International Inc. 117 Oildex.com 58 OMV (U.K.) Ltd. 106 OneOffshore Inc. 125 Orion Resources LLC 124 Oryx Energy 77 Oxley Petroleum Co. 102 Oxy Resources California LLC 104 Oxy USA Inc. 38, 102, 104 Palmer Petroleum Inc. 99 Panaco 65 PanAfrican Energy Corp. Ltd. 124 Paradigm Technologies 123 Paragon Engineering Services 64 Parallel Petroleum Corp. 119 Parker Drilling 125 PCS Nitrogen Fertilizer LP 27 Pelican Hill Oil & Gas Inc. 102 Pendaries Petroleum Ltd. 107 PennNet 6 PennzEnergy 36, 84 Peters & Co. Ltd. 111, 123 Petrie Parkman & Co. 88 Petrie Parkman & Co. 111 Petro-Hunt LLC 120 Petrobras 64, 106, 127 PetroChina Co. Ltd. 124 PetroCosm 50, 51 PetroCosm Corp. 70, 127 Petrodata Ltd. 125 Petroglyph Energy Inc. 124 Petroleum Helicopters Inc. 125 Petroleum Information Corp. 77 Petroleum Place 75 Petroleum Place 127 Petronas Carigali 107 PetroQuest Energy Inc. 112, 125 Phillips Alaska Inc. 105 Phillips Petroleum Co. 2 Phillips Petroleum Co. 15, 70, 106, 107 Pioneer Natural Resources Co. 24 Pioneer Natural Resources Co. 38, 54 Poco Petroleums 54 Pogo Producing 53, 56 Polish Oil & Gas Co. 107 Potiguar II SARL 127 Pride International 126 Prima Energy 57 Prism Petroleum Inc. 123 Prize Energy Corp. 16 Proprietary Industries Inc. 123 Pryor Oil Co. 99 PTI Group Inc. 117 Purcell Energy Ltd. 30 Pure Energy Inc. 84 Pure Resources LP 36, 103 Pyr Energy 21 Queen Sand Resources Inc. 120 Quest Resource Corp. 124 Quicksilver Resources Inc. 125 Quinque Operating Co. 105 R&B Falcon Corp. 118 Ramco 127 Ramshorn Investments Inc. 124 Randall & Dewey 12 Range Production Co. 103 Range Resources 96 Ranger Oil 84 Raymond James & Associates 26 Remington Oil & Gas Corp. 101 Renaissance Energy 30, 84 Repsol 86 Richman Petroleum Corp. 100 Robo Enterprises Inc. 100 Rothschild 125 Royal Dutch/Shell 84, 86 S. Lavon Evans Jr. Operating 99 St. Mary Land & Exploration 118 Samson Canada 84 Samson Resources 93 Santa Fe Snyder Corp. 36, 84, 125 SAP 17 Sapient Energy Corp. 120 Savarin Oil Tools Inc. 98 SCF-III LP 117 SCF-IV LP 117 Scotia Capital. 123 Seitel Inc. 104 Seminole Energy Services LLC 119 Seneca Resources 84 Sentry Resources 123 Shell Offshore Inc. 119 Shell Oil 68 Shell Oil 36, 78 Shell U.K. E&P 106 Shenandoah Petroleum Corp. 103 Silicon Valley Oil Co. 70 Simmons & Co. International. 118 Socar 107 Sooner Inc. 117 Southwest Securities 15, 125 Southwestern Energy Co. 112 Southwestern Energy Co. 48, 119 Southwestern Energy Production Co. 103 Spinnaker Exploration Co. 57, 117, 123 Spirit Energy 76 61 Statoil 106, 107 Stewart & Stevenson Services 125 Stone Energy 55 Stratic Energy Corp. 112 Summit Resources Ltd. 123 Suncor Energy Inc. 30, 105 Sunoco Inc. 112 Swift Energy 74 Swift Energy 56 Syncrude Canada Ltd. 30 Talisman Energy Inc. 30 Tengasco Inc. 99 Texaco Inc. 69, 70, 107, 109, 118 Texona Petroleum Corp. 123 The Beacon Group 125, 127 The Energists 23 The Greyrock Corp. 100 The Houston Exploration Co. 15 The Houston Exploration Co. 18 The Meridian Resource Corp. 27, 101 The Oil & Gas Asset Clearinghouse 14 The Robinson-Humphrey Co. 112 Threshold Development Co. 103 Tipperary Corp. 120 Titan Exploration Inc. 15, 36, 84 TMBR/Sharp Drilling Inc. 103 TMCT Ventures 125 Torch Operating Co. 8 Torch PLS 82 Toreador Resources Corp. 123, 127 Torex Resources Inc. 123 Total Exploration Production USA 63 TotalFinaElf 83, 86, 107, 111 TPAO 107 Transocean Sedco Forex 61 Transok LLC. 119 Tri Link Resources 84 Tri-Valley Oil & Gas Co. 104 Twin Cedars Exploration Co. LLC 98 Twister Gas Services LLC 101 The Exploration Co. 124 U.S. Bank 111 UBS Warburg. 117, 125 Union Bank 120 Union Pacific Corp. 125 Union Pacific Resources 36, 77, 84 Unocal 18, 41, 61, 84, 86, 106, 124, 127 Unocal Corp. Permian Basin 15 Vanco 31 Vastar Resources Inc. 84, 119 Veritas DGC 73 Veritas DGC 119 Vintage Petroleum 33 Vintage Petroleum 53, 55 Vision Energy Inc. 117 Weatherford International Inc. 112 WellBid Inc. 28 WellBid Inc. 125 Wellogix Inc. 125 Western Atlas Inc. 118 Westport Oil & Gas Co. 111 Westport Resources Corp. 111, 117 Whiting Petroleum Corp. 120 Will-Drill Resources Inc. 120 Williams Energy Services 79 YCI España LC 107 Zeus 127 Zurich 81
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