The seller of Haynesville Shale assets to Quantent Energy Partners LLC has been revealed as EnSight IV Energy Management LLC.

In a Sept. 23 press release, EnSight said it had sold more than 7,000 net acres in Caddo, De Soto, Bossier and Red River parishes, Louisiana, to Quantent. Neither party has disclosed the financial terms of the deal, which EnSight said was executed on Aug. 2.

The sale includes a substantial proved developed producing (PDP) base and undeveloped acreage primed for future development in a high-quality reservoir, EnSight said. The company said the divestiture fits with the company’s plan to assemble and ultimately divest an attractive, gas-weighted portfolio.

On Sept. 9, Quantent Energy said it had acquired the assets along with closing on an equity commitment from Post Oak Energy Capital.

Stephens served as financial adviser to EnSight IV Energy Management LLC and its affiliates on the sale of the gas assets.