EverGen Infrastructure Corp. has received CA$10.5 million ($US7.9 million) in funding from Natural Resources Canada’s Clean Fuels Fund, the company announced in a June 28 press release.

The award will support EverGen’s renewable natural gas (RNG) expansion at the Pacific Coast Renewables (PCR) facility. The expansion will allow the PCR facility to use anaerobic digestion to create biogas, which will then be upgraded to RNG. The RNG can then be entered into FortisBC’s gas network under a preexisting 20 year offtake agreement, according to the release.

EverGen anticipates the PCR expansion will produce approximately 185,000 gigajoules, which equates to approximately 5,139 kilowatt-hours. The facility will also be equipped to produce liquid digestate fertilizer.

EverGen is an RNG infrastructure platform based on the west coast of Canada.