Jennifer Pallanich, senior technology editor, Hart Energy: TAQA Drilling has beefed up its portfolio with recent acquisitions of companies like Tendeka and Cougar Drilling Solutions. What's next for this company? Find out in this Hart Energy LIVE Exclusive with me, Jennifer Pallanich.

Reid Warriner, head, TAQA Drilling Solution: Cougar Drilling Solutions brings over 50 years of engineering, manufacturing and sustaining of technology in pursuit of TAQA’s ambition to become a global leader in the drilling space amongst this portfolio of services.

Suzanne Stewart, global technical advisor, TAQA Drilling Solutions: So Tendeka brought a whole completions portfolio, particularly in the advanced completion space. But in particular, we've also brought a good understanding of reservoir optimization and improving reservoir recovery.

JP: And what kind of technologies and services are customers asking for these days and where in the world are you deploying them?

SS: So we've definitely seen a move towards geothermal and carbon capture, and fortunately our portfolio speaks very well to both of those technologies. So there's definitely been a transition with the major operators in particular towards ESG.

RW: TAQA has a full portfolio across the entire oilfield services platform covering all of the different technologies needed across that space. We deploy that technology as a service organization, as an oilfield service organization in the Middle East and North Africa and outside of that region we have different business models. For example, the rental business model here in North America.

JP: What's next for TAQA?

SS: TAQA will continue to grow, and ultimately what TAQA's objective is to be a serious competitor with the major service providers.

RW: Yeah. Under one TAQA, it's all about growth. It's all about our ability to continue to support our customers worldwide, to give tremendous opportunities for our employees, and ultimately providing value for our customers and our shareholders globally. It's a super exciting time with the 20th year anniversary that we're celebrating.

JP: That's your Hart Energy LIVE Exclusive with me Jennifer Pallanich. Thank you for joining us.