Williams Cos.’ (WMB) Texas to Louisiana Energy Pathway Project received federal government approval to start its natural gas capacity expansion project at the end of June.

The project will add 364 MMcf/d of capacity to the Transcontinental Gas Pipeline (Transco) in Texas and Louisiana. The extra capacity will be added via modified compressor stations along the Texas side of the route in Fort Bend, Hardin and Victoria counties.

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) approved the project over objections from the Sierra Club on June 18.

Williams expects the project to cost about $91.8 million and its completion during the first quarter of 2025, according to the FERC filing.

The Transco is a 10,200-mile natural gas pipeline that runs from South Texas to New York, transporting about 15% of the natural gas consumed in the U.S., according to Williams.