Fluor Corp. has successfully completed the module fabrication program on Canada’s first large LNG export facility, the LNG Canada Project in Kitimat, British Columbia, Canada, the company announced in a July 18 press release.

The LNG Canada project is a joint venture (JV) between a number of companies, including Shell, Petronas, PetroChina, Mitsubishi Corp., and Korea Gas Corp. The project, which is expected to have a production capacity of 14 million tons of LNG per year, is set to begin shipping by mid-decade.

"Fluor's role on the LNG Canada Project underscores our commitment to delivering complex energy and chemicals projects for our clients around the world," said Jim Breuer, group president of Fluor’s Energy Solutions business.

Fluor and JGC Corp. have been JV partners on several aspects of the project’s execution, including the engineering, procurement, fabrication and delivery of modules and the construction of the project’s infrastructure and utilities, marine structures and LNG storage tank. The first module was received in March 2022, the final module was received July 17, 2023 and approximately 215 modules have been received since then and are being set at the LNG Canada project site.

"This accomplishment highlights the success of the innovative approach of modular construction, which has enabled us to advance construction activities on-site while working with local communities, a skilled local workforce and limiting environmental impacts," Pierre Bechelany said, president of Fluor’s LNG business.

Fluor Corp. is a professional and technical solutions company based in Irving, Texas.