In an effort to better operational efficiencies and oil production in the Permian Basin, independent upstream energy company, HNR Acquisition Corp., is rolling out improved automation techniques, the company announced Sep. 12.

HNR will conduct a pilot test of a new software application with two of its field operators, allowing the operator to use a single app to identify problems and issue corrective actions, as well as optimize field team routes to wells and tank batteries to reduce miles driven and fuel consumption.

The application will also replace Microsoft Teams as the daily field communicator to tie communications to locations, tasks, actions and outcomes and provide a single source to order parts for maintenance. It will also be able to provide real time monitoring to identify wells not operating normally to accelerate remediation and maintain or increase production. These efficiencies will allow the field crews to bring new wells into production without additional costs.

After the pilot test, the application will be rolled out to all of HNR’s field operators.