Jones Power was picked by two solar contractors to carry out the civil construction scope on two large solar and battery energy storage solution (BESS) projects in Arizona, according to a Dec. 17 press release.

The developments, located outside of Phoenix and Tucson, have a potential capacity of 290 megawatts for the solar project and over 1 gigawatt for the BESS system, Mississippi-based Jones Power said.

Jones Power will manage erosion control, clearing, grubbing, construction entrances, earthwork, access roads, laydown yards and final seeding for the projects.

With construction underway, the company expects the project’s scope to be completed in 2025. However, the project outside of Phoenix is anticipated to have additional phases of work, which could continue into 2026 or 2027.

For both projects, clients can choose to have a Jones Power post-civil site maintenance crew remain onsite throughout pile driving, racking, module installation, electrical work and commissioning, the company said.

The crew would provide support for the projects’ completion obligations, including the maintenance of roads, erosion and dust control management and mowing needs.