1 Vess Oil Corp. , Wichita, pumped 72 bbl. of oil per day at completion of the #40 Varner "A," a Hepler (Pennsylvanian Pleasanton) producer that opened a new pool in Kansas' 84-year-old Augusta Field, reports IHS Energy Group. The well is a workover of a noncommercial Cambro-Ordovician Arbuckle test in Section 17-28s-4e, Butler County. It's producing through perforations at 2,250-64 ft. Four years ago, Arbuckle was tested in an openhole interval at 2,424-33 ft. in the well. 2 Production from shallower zones was established at a stepout a quarter-mile north of the inactive one-well Gasaway Field in Ellis County, Kan., when the well was completed by Hess Oil Co., McPherson, Kan., pumping 70 bbl. of oil and 25 bbl. of water per day. Cherokee at 3,044-51 ft. and seven Lansing-Kansas City zones between 3,329-3,492 ft. are the new producing formations at the Pennsylvanian well-the #1-2 Teet-Bill in Section 2-11s-19w. 3 Cross Timbers Operating Co., Fort Worth, recorded a combined flow of 11.15 million cu. ft. of gas per day from three new pays at the #8-22 Silex, a deeper-pool discovery in Silex Field in Pope County, Ark. The well in Section 22-10n-21w gave up a flow of 8.08 million cu. ft. per day from 4,108-52 ft. in Mississippian Boone and 3.07 million cu. ft. per day from three intervals between 4,428-4,502 ft. in Hunton and 4,540-60 ft. in Penters. Cross Timbers used a 32/64-in. choke on both tests. 4 For the second time in recent weeks, a remote wildcat has been staked in northeastern Arkansas. IHS Energy Croup reports this new project is Tulsa-based KLO 's #1 Larsen about 20 miles west-northwest of Memphis, Tenn., in Section 32-8n-7e in nonproducing Crittenden County. It's scheduled to be drilled to 3,500 ft. to test Ordovician zones. Earlier, Black Mesa Energy Inc. , Oklahoma City, revealed plans to drill a wildcat to the north in neighboring Mississippi County. Black Mesa's venture is the 3,000-ft. #2-14 Wilson in Section 14-12n-9e. 5 EOG Resources Inc. , Houston, completed the #10-1 Nichols, a stepout a half-mile west-southwest of a Pennsylvanian Morrow discovery in Oklahoma's Texas County, flowing 3.8 million cu. ft. of gas and 136 bbl. of water per day. The extension, in Section 10-1n-12ecm, flowed on a 36/64-in. choke from Morrow, perforated at, 6,782-6,830 ft. The discovery is the Phillips Petroleum Co. #2A Nichols "A" that was completed last year for a flow gauge of 4.74 million cu. ft. of gas, 69 bbl. of condensate and 13 bbl. of water per day. 6 Kaiser-Francis Oil Co. , Tulsa, has completed a second outpost to a discovery it made last summer in Washita County, Okla. The #1-6 Walter, Section 16-9n-20w, tapped Pennsylvanian Granite Wash for a flow of 5.01 million cu. ft. of gas, 68 bbl. of condensate and 47 bbl. of water per day. Perforations are at 12,402-38 ft. A hlaf-mile southeast is the discovery, #21-1 Salsman, which yielded 1.86 million cu. ft. of gas, 40 bbl. of condensate and 10 bbl. of water per day on a 10/64-in. choke. The company confirmed the discovery with a Granite Wash producer nearly a half-mile southeast. 7 Oklahoma's Garvin County is slated to get a deep Cambro-Ordovician Arbuckle exploratory test, the 16#1 Cryer staked by EOG Resources Inc. in Section 16-1n-2w. IHS Energy Group says the project, which is scheduled to be drilled to 12,500 ft., is a deeper-pool wildcat on the eastern end of Eola-Robberson Field. 8 The #1-18 Thrasher is a new wildcat scheduled to be drilled by H&L Operating Co. LLC in Sherman County, Texas. It's to go to 7,150 ft. in Mississippian. The drillsite is in Section 18, Block 1, PSL Survey, A-973, in an area of shallow Permian gas producers in the greater Texas Hugoton producing area. H&L is based in Amarillo. 9 Bravo Natural Resources Inc. , Tulsa, is drilling a wildcat at the #1 Hartman in Section 8, Jacob Wilcox Survey, A-870, Montague County, Texas. Target depth is 9,000 ft. at the venture a little more than two miles west-northwest of the closest production, from Ordovician Ellenburger at 8,920-70 ft., in the one-well Barnabus Field. 10 International Oil & Gas Inc. , Dallas, reports Cactus Energy , the company's Hood County Project operator, has successfully fracture-treated Pennsylvanian Atoka at the #1 Wood Reef in T.A. Wood Survey, A-611, Hood County, Texas. As a result, gas purchase contracts are being negotiated with local gas buyers. The well, which bottomed at 5,676 ft. in Ordovician Ellenburger, is a deeper-pool exploratory test a half-mile northwest of 3.500-ft. Pennsylvanian Strawn production in McIntosh Field. International has advised its joint venture partner, Pallaum Minerals Ltd. , that Atoka at about 5,600 ft. is being tested at the #2 Wood Reef. The second venture's drillsite was selected to test an interpreted thicker portion of Wood Reef as well as potentially develop further production in Atoka sands. 11 A flow gauge of 102 bbl. of oil per day on a 16/64-in. choke is credited to the #1 Price, a Coke County, Texas, wildcat completed by RK Petroleum Corp. , Midland, says IHS Energy Group. The discovery is producing from an openhole interval in Ellenburger at 7,288-7,300 ft. It's in Section 123, Block 2, H&TC Survey, A-229. 12 Texas' Winkler County claims a Pennsylvanian deeper-pool discovery-the Devon Energy Production Co. LP #1 Hendrick "27"-that gave up a flow of 21 bbl. of oil, 57,000 cu. ft. of gas and 17 bbl. of water per day. Oklahoma City-based Devon's well is in Section 27, Block 26, PSL Survey, A-1526, in the area of Kermit and Hendrick fields. It's producing through perforations at 8,584-8,602 ft. 13 Abraxas Petroleum Corp. , San Antonio, reports the 17,737-ft. #9H Caprito "99," a horizontal producer operated by EOG Resources Inc. in ROC (Montoya) Field, Ward County, Texas, is producing at the rate of 13.5 million cu. ft. of gas per day from Silurian Montoya. Abraxas says it currently has a 25% working interest in the well that's in Section 99, Block F, G&MMB&A Survey, A-53. A second test in the same play, the #1H Caprito "82" in Section 82 of Block F, is drilling toward a projected depth of 18,000 ft. to test Montoya. Earlier this year, Abraxas announced a joint participation agreement with EOG whereby EOG agreed to drill up to five tests with Abraxas having a carried interest. The two companies plan to drill several additional tests during 2001 on Abraxas acreage. Abraxas believes there could be up to 18 additional locations on its acreage. 14 Two horizontal wells have been completed by CMS Oil & Gas Co. , Midland, in West Texas, according to IHS Energy Group. Flow gauge was 2.603 million cu. ft. of gas, 161 bbl. of condensate and 927 bbl. of water per day at the #602H Industrial "A" in Midland County's Midland Southwest Field. The well, in Section 6, Block 39, T2S, T&P Survey, immediately southwest of the Midland city limits, was tested on a 26/64-in. choke through perforations between 12,187-12,389 ft. Top of Devonian was logged at 11,875 ft. The company's second horizontal producer is the #1H Copeland in Section 397, Block 9, EL&RR Survey, Lynn County. Located in O'Donnell North Field, it was tested for a flow of 320 bbl. of oil, 370,000 cu. ft. of gas and 278 bbl. of water per day from a Mississippian zone between 9,287-13,069 ft., measured depth (8,995-9,036 ft., true vertical depth). CMS owns a 100% working interest in the well and holds the rights to explore approximately 23,000 acres of leaseholds in the area. 15 Southwestern Energy Co. , Fayetteville, Ark., says it has entered into two exploration alliances in recent weeks involving acreage in the southeast New Mexico portion of the Permian Basin. Such an agreement with Energen Resources Corp. , the oil and gas subsidiary of Birmingham, Ala.-based Energen Corp. , calls for joint exploration of approximately 14,200 net acres currently held by Energen Resources in Lea and Eddy counties. The companies plan to drill a minimum of two exploratory tests during this year, with Southwestern serving as operator. The second agreement, with Phillips Petroleum Co. , covers approximately 21,100 acres currently held by Phillips that will be made available to Southwestern for exploration in Eddy County. The companies plan to drill at least four exploratory tests on the acreage this year, all of which will be operated by Southwestern. In all wells drilled under the agreement, Southwestern has the option to participate with 55% of Phillips' leasehold position. 16 Artesia, N.M., independent Yates Petroleum Corp. has spudded a Mississippian wildcat at the #1 Chad "AXA" State in Section 36-13s-34e, Lea County, N.M. Target depth is 13,700 ft., according to IHS Energy Group.