1 An outpost to Herd Field in Comanche County, Kan., completed by Wichita-based Oil Producers Inc. of Kansas flowing 750 bbl. of oil, 400,000 cu. ft. gas and 45 bbl. of water per day, has extended the field a little more than 0.5-mile south-southeast. IHS Energy Group reports the #4 Rich "C," in Section 22-32s-19w, is producing from Ordovician Viola. The Wichita firm drilled the exploratory well to a total depth of 6,180 ft. and ran pipe to 6,120 ft. Three-quarters of a mile northeast of the new well and still in Section 22, Oil Producers recently completed another Herd Field delineation well-the #3 Rich "C"-pumping 250 bbl. of oil per day from Viola. 2 Anadarko Petroleum Corp., Houston, made a Mississippian Lower Chester Sand discovery at the #1 Brown "L" in Oklahoma's Beaver County, completing the well flowing 296 bbl. of oil and 869,000 cu. ft. of gas per day. Anadarko used a 16/64-in. choke to test the well through perforations at 7,022-57 ft. The discovery, in Section 21-4n-21ecm, was drilled on the basis of a continuing 3-D Chester channel sands program begun by Anadarko in the township in 1998. 3 A 267-bbl.-per-day oil discovery has been reported for Love County, Okla.-the #1 Brannan that was completed by Mack Energy Co., Duncan, Okla. Located in Section 20-7s-3e, the #1 Brannan is producing through perforations at 6,478-6,530 ft. in Dornick Hills. It was tested on a 15/64-in. choke. The company also recovered 37 bbl. of oil with 137 bbl. of load water during production tests of Viola between 11,693-12,667 ft. The Viola zone has been isolated by a retrievable bridge plug. 4 Oklahoma City independent Kirrie Oil Co. LLC worked over the #2 Pigg, a wildcat in Section 19-4n-1w, Garvin County, Okla., and completed it as a discovery that tapped Viola Lime for a flow 162 bbl. of oil, 166,000 cu. ft. of gas and 201 bbl. of water per day. The flow, which was gauged using an 18/64-in. choke, is coming from 4,862-62 ft. The 5,218-ft. exploratory test originally was drilled 42 yr. ago and abandoned after drillstem tests of two Ordovician Bromide zones failed to recover shows. 5 A shallower Pennsylvanian Granite Wash zone discovered in an unnamed Granite Wash pool in Washita County, Okla., has given up a flow of 4.01 million cu. ft. of gas, 58 bbl. of condensate and four bbl. of water per day. IHS Energy Group says the #6-32 Yvonne was completed by Kaiser-Francis Oil Co., Tulsa, in Section 32-9n-19w. The well, tested on an adjustable choke, is producing through perforations at 10,839-54 ft. and 10,860-70 ft. Previously, Section 32 contained five wells that produced from Granite Wash zones between 11,400-13,150 ft. 6 In Oklahoma's Wilburton Field area, BTA Oil Producers, Midland, drilled the #2-24 JV-P Amason 0.5-mile east-northeast of the only other producer in Section 24-4n-18e, Latimer County, and completed the well flowing 12.1 million cu. ft. of gas per day. Tested on a 48/64-in. choke, the new well is producing from Pennsylvanian Basal Atoka (Spiro), perforated at 13,778-97 ft., 13,813-16 and 13,822-29 ft. Section 24's other well, also completed by BTA, is the #9001 JV-P Amason that in 1990 yielded 5.1 million cu. ft. of gas per day on a 26/64-in. choke. 7 IHS Energy Group reports the northernmost delineation test drilled by El Paso Production Co. in its new unnamed field in Roger Mills County, Okla., was tested for an initial flow of 9.19 million cu. ft. of gas, 538 bbl. of condensate and three bbl. of water per day. El Paso employed a 22/64-in. choke to obtain the gauge from Pennsylvanian Red Fork, perforated at 10,890-98 ft., at the #3-3 Penry in Section 3-16n-21w. The new producer is 0.5-mile north of another El Paso well in the field, the #3-2 Penry, that was recently tested flowing 8.58 million cu ft. of gas per day from Red Fork. 8 A Mississippian Chappel discovery completed by 3-T Exploration Inc., Wichita Falls, at the #1 Conley Unit in Hardeman County, Texas, gave up a flow of 45 bbl. of oil per day on a 12/64-in. choke. The wildcat is producing from an openhole interval at 8,225-44 ft. It's in Section 136, Block H, W&NW Survey, A-798. 9 Dallas independent J. Cleo Thompson pumped 86 bbl. of oil and 22 bbl. of water, with 90,000 cu. ft. of gas, per day from Ordovician Ellenburger at the #1 Baggett "40," in Section 40, Block OP, GC&SF Survey, A-4433, Crockett County, Texas. The well is a discovery producing through perforations at 7,960-67 ft. It's about 1.5 miles west of Holt Ranch Field. 10 On Midland-based Blue Star Operating Co.'s Wink Prospect in Winkler County, Texas, the company has finaled a discovery for a pump gauge of 46 bbl. of oil and 145 bbl. of water per day. The #1 Morton "11" also produced 175,000 cu. ft. of gas per day, with the production being commingled from two formations. Located in Section 11, Block B12, PSL Survey, A-1705, it's producing through perforations between 9,212-9,408 ft. in Pennsylvanian Strawn and 9,430-9,511 ft. in Atoka. Blue Star has requested the new producer be designated as the opener of Morton Field. 11 Midland County, Texas' Betty Sue Field is the site of a horizontal well completed by CMS Oil & Gas Co., Midland, flowing 4.97 million cu. ft. of gas, 435 bbl. of condensate and 327 bbl. of water per day from Devonian. According to IHS Energy Group, CMS' #901H Jones, Section 9, Block 38, T2S, T&P Survey, is producing from two Devonian intervals-12,180-16,150 ft. and 16,464-20,535 ft., measured depths. Total measured depth is 20,616 ft. (11,698 ft., true vertical depth). 12 Also in West Texas, TMBR/Sharp Drilling Inc. has started drilling a deep wildcat in Loving County and continues drilling one in Reeves County. The Midland firm is drilling below 5,250 ft. at the Loving County venture, the #1 Leiman in Section 9, Block 75, PSL Survey, A-1352. Target depth is 22,000 ft. In Reeves County, the company is drilling below 16,640 ft. toward a projected depth of 18,000 ft. at the #1 Red Horse "144" in Section 144, Block 1, H&TC Survey, A-4659. 13 A dual-lateral horizontal Permian Wolfcamp producer has been completed by Devon SFS Operating Inc., Oklahoma City, at the #2 Hufstedler in Section 16, Block DT, HE&WT Survey, A-2433, Hale County, Texas. Devon gauged a flow of 658 bbl. of oil, 108,000 cu. ft. of gas and 136 bbl. of water per day on a 48/64-in. choke. The Anton-Irish Field well is producing from openhole intervals between 6,305-6,890 ft. and 6,699-7,444 ft. Respective true vertical depths of the laterals are 6,582 ft. and 6,627 ft. 14 In Lea County, N.M., Read & Stevens Inc. tested the #1 Liberty "4" Com, a Devonian discovery, pumping at a rate of 482 bbl. of oil per day. The company, based in Roswell, N.M., drilled the wildcat in Section 4-20s-36e and perforated at 10,604-21 ft. during completion work. IHS Energy Group notes a trace of gas was recovered with the oil. The new producer is about a mile west of the closest production, from Permian Queen at 3,866-4,060 ft., in Eumont Field. 15 Southeastern New Mexico continues to see a considerable amount of work being carried out by Yates Petroleum Corp., Artesia, N.M. The company has set pipe at a wildcat and completed a horizontal development producer in Indian Basin Field in Eddy County and is drilling a Mississippian wildcat in Lea County. Yates set pipe on bottom at 10,700 ft. and is waiting on completion tools to production test the #1 Mike Grande "AZK" in irregular Section 2-16s-29e. Pump gauge was 485 bbl. of oil and 3,827 bbl. of water, with 2.192 million cu. ft. of gas, per day at the #1 Lowe Staple "AMR" Federal Com in Section 22-21-24e. The well is producing through perforations at 7,952-8,022 ft. in Pennsylvanian Canyon. The Lea County venture is the #2 Chad "AXA" State, Section 36-13s-34e, that is to go to 13,700 ft. 16 Lea County's Trinity Field is the site of the #3 Burrus, a development well completed by Ricks Exploration Inc., Oklahoma City, for a pump gauge of 330 bbl. of oil and 14 bbl. of water per day. The well, in Section 22-12s-38e, also produced 116,000 cu. ft. of gas per day. Wolfcamp, perforated at 9,010-70 ft., is the formation yielding the production.
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